Aww- President of Company Asks People To Adopt Dogs, Not Put Them To Sleep – IOTW Report

Aww- President of Company Asks People To Adopt Dogs, Not Put Them To Sleep

Sweet, right?

Hold your horses. The president was the president of Planned Parenthood, a company that’s put 3.5 million babies to death in the last 12 years.

That’s a strange set of principles she’s got there. I love dogs as much as the next person, but I see her stance as very peculiar.

CNS-Planned Parenthood President Promotes Adoption Over Death – For Dogs

Don’t let a dog be put to death, adopt it, the president of the nation’s largest abortion provider suggested Tuesday.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards made the pitch on Twitter, employing the #AdoptDontShop hashtag advocating dog adoption over pet store purchases. Adopting (or, “rescuing” a dog from a shelter) would save its life.


13 Comments on Aww- President of Company Asks People To Adopt Dogs, Not Put Them To Sleep

  1. I have (unfortunately) a SIL who holds the same values. Loves dogs and animals. Actually tears up if you kill a bug or spider, but yet protest marches to support abortion…..
    I have tried many times to logically show her the hypocrisy of her position to no avail.
    I’ll keep trying to sway her and I’m sure she will keep her deep prog views. Sad.

  2. You need some some serious rest, Fur. ….smile….

    Richards is encouraging the adoption of already existing animals — bred deliberately or mutts — She is opposed to breeding more.

    That’s consistent.

    Already existing babies should also be adopted. There’s an awful lot of them.

    But, demanding that any two drunks who manage to fuck one night must be forced to birth….is as stupid as saying that God wants all the little doggies and kitties the world over to fuck their brains out and…. …and what?

    I would never buy a pet from a breeder (and adore the folk at the Appalachian Mountain Great Pyrenees Rescue) ….Gosh, duh, I wouldn’t have bought the thing if I knew the dog would get that big!”

    Save the dogs already here, but never demand the forced birthing of critters who haven’t happened as yet. …and babies are just human critters.

    The parallel and principle are perfect: we have enough unwanted children without the need to “force birth” more of them. ….Lady in Red

  3. My mother, ole Pops, too, planned carefully. I was a very wanted and loved baby…. all the way up to handing me off (as it were…. …smile..) to a husband. And, even beyond that. That is what every baby deserves.
    …Lady in Red

  4. You know, Racer X, somehow I think that God would chuckle over that, approve, and bless all the St. Francis of Assisi tail-wagging animals in their new, loving homes. Nice. *Big* smile…. ….Lady in Red.


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