They Say I Need Some Sleep – IOTW Report

They Say I Need Some Sleep

Ever get overtired? I hate that. My heart races. My temperature isn’t regulated right, I’m hot and cold.. and little sweaty.

I was told to get some sleep, but I can’t just yet. They say I’m talking goofy. Maybe about to say too much.

Hey guys, we almost lost BFH last night. No kidding. I was about to chuck it all. It’s been a very difficult 3 or so months. I said in an earlier post that has since been black holed that we outgrew our old server. I loved them. They were always there, all through the night, for any problem. It’s just that we were too big for the server we were on, but not big enough to afford the next level of service (They wanted 4 figures. I don’t have that kind of figure.)

So we were caught in no man’s land. We had to move on. It was a month long vetting process, and I think we chose right. These new guys are also great. They listened to me whine, scream, blow snot bubbles and that was when I was calm.

The transfer from one server to the other did not go smoothly. There were some things that went a little sideways, and the guys stayed up all night working things out. (As it is there are still people who probably haven’t had their servers update yet and are probably not getting into the site. They will. Their server will learn our new servers and they will sync up.)

Comments were hinky, posts were appearing and disappearing, and one post stayed  at the top of the site no matter what we did. We made progress, but as of early morning I decided that I was going to fold the tent. It didn’t look like the site was going to heal. Too many things have been coming at us from every angle, and now bad luck was going to make an appearance? That was too much to take.

But the guy who told me to get some sleep the night before woke up to find that I had still not gone to bed. I told him about the new problems and he said, “let me talk to the server guys, I know what it is.”

I was not at all convinced that he did.

He did. The main site issues were resolved in 15 minutes.

He’s from Texas and sounds like it.

Thank him. His name is Charles, and he saved the site, and got me in off the ledge.

46 Comments on They Say I Need Some Sleep

  1. Thank you Charles and BFH for getting IOTW moved to the new server. I admit I panicked when I could not sign in last evening after I had been to a meeting for a few hours. All good now and BFH can get some more sleep!

  2. Oh Wow!!! BFH, that man has knowledge and wisdom.

    Thank you Charles from TX!!!!!
    Thank you BFH!!!!!!

    And now, go get some sleep. Your readers know you don’t sleep much. We’d like you to take some time for yourself. We don’t want to risk losing the greatest website.

  3. Hey BFH, sometimes even a short nap can make all the difference. In fact I bought a recliner for my office so I could get 15 minutes every now and then. Good work Charles, I’ll be proud to buy you a beer if we ever cross paths. Way to hang in there Hat, sounds like a lot of damn work.

  4. I’m totally unaware of the intricacies of running a site or transferring to another server. I’m not sure I could deal with all the problems you’ve encountered. I am grateful you had Charles’ knowledge and expertise to lean on.
    Thanks Charles and Thank You BFH.

  5. Uncle Al, would you do us all a favor? Head across state and give Fur a talking to? Or bonk him on the head. Anything to get him to SLEEP!

    And thanks to you, Charles! You don’t know how precious our Fur is to us. Come visit us sometime.

    Fur, we love you. Get some sleep. 🙂

  6. Thank God for Charles. Whew! Got the warning about not a secure site, and clicked to open the “safe mode” IOTWr. It hadn’t been updated since around 4:45pm, 4-3-18. I panicked, but looked for a live link. Found it on Facebook. Ok, now all is well with the world. Glad IOTWr has a more efficient server. Congrats!
    Get some sleep, BFH. The IOTWr readers, commenters and lurkers will still be here.

  7. I must have missed all the kerfluffle. Would have been terrible to click to iotwreport and find it missing or gone. The behind the scenes work to have a webiste run smoothly is never seen and never really appreciated. Thanks. I just spent 15 minutes trying to get the distorted sound fixed in my pc. That was enough frustration for me.

  8. “he said, “let me talk to the server guys, I know what it is.”
    I was not at all convinced that he did.
    He did. The main site issues were resolved in 15 minutes.”


  9. So glad it all worked out. I’ve been coming to this site for so long I don’t know what I would do without you. Along with everyone else, thank you Charles. AND YOU!

  10. Please get some sleep. joe6pak is right – even short naps can help. Losing sleep can suppress your immune system and make you ill. You need to take care of yourself because we NEED you to help us keep our sanity. Thank you again for all you do.

    Oh, and many thanks also to Charles in Texas.

  11. Oh this is just great! I’m already off sugar/carbs and now I’m breaking into a sweat, too, because of the very idea of IOTWReport cravings!!

    Thank you, St. Charles, for deliverance from IOTWReport cravings.

    Sorry for your sleep deprivation, Fur. There’s some good old movies on TCM today — they always put me to sleep.

  12. Big Fur’s Isle … sung to a tune you can’t get out of your head

    Just sit right back
    And you’ll hear a tale
    You’re going to need to get a grip,
    That started from this tropic port,
    St. Lucie, they say in F L A, it’s a different sort.
    MJA was a mighty surfin’ lass,
    The Fur was brave and sure,
    The readers settled down that day,
    For another internet smorgassbord.
    Give us internet or we’ll be sore!

    The server move was getting rough,
    The url was tossed.
    If not for the courage of the fearless Fur
    iOTW would be lost.
    iOTW would about to be tossed.

    The site set ground on the new server
    Like an uncharted desert isle
    With the Pinko man,
    Irony Curtain too.
    The Big Fur Hat
    And illustr8r too,
    Dr. Tar and Mary Jane,
    Here on iOTW Report.

    So this is the tale of the Server move,
    If Charles from Texas didn’t show up, it would be a crime.
    Thanks to Charles & Fur we’ll make the best of things,
    Get some sleep Big Fur, ’cause it’s an uphill climb.

    Big Fur Hat and Charlie too,
    Will do their very best,
    To make the others comf’terble
    In the Big Fur server nest.

    No thumbs, no Likes, no edit button,
    Not a single luxury
    Like Mirosoft 3.1
    It’s primitive as can be.

    So join us here each day my friends,
    You’re sure to get a smile,
    Because of those hard-working folks
    Here on Big Fur Isle!

    … apologies for the corn

  13. God bless you BFH and Charles and all your loved ones who put up with you both. You have our undying adulation. Well, maybe adulation is a bit over the top, but we love you.

  14. Juxt in case my name isn’t captured, this is Engelburka x2

    First & foremost: here’s hoping BFH is rested, refreshed and ready to “own the world”. I didn’t know exactly what was going on last night, tried to comment (something stupid abt redirected to VOX), it mysteriously posted as anon, and thought, ok, I offended again and it’s only Tues.
    Fur, you really should take care and get more sleep. Sounds like you need a vacay. I hear FL is great this time of year. Just stay away from the tourist traps and dive bars. 🙂

    Secondly: Charles, whatever you’re paid, it’s not enough. Techies are over worked & under appreciated, until things go wonky, then they’re gods. TY

    Much improved this afternoon from last night. Only thing not working on my end is thumbs up.
    Oh, one nifty little thing… instead of drab gray, I now have a lovely red icon (at least on my phone). Very classy.

    PS – ok, that was weird. Hit the Post Comment button and received this: You’re posting too quick, slow down. Wuuut?


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