It’s An Addiction – IOTW Report

It’s An Addiction

Paul Joseph Watson calls on his YouTube viewers to put down the smartphones and stop seeking self gratification from social media. Watch

I admit it. I have only one true addiction online, a site I have to check in on four or five times a day. A place I monitor both for the content and the comments. Compared to the shallowness of Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, this addiction it like being hooked on coffee. Like that dark, delicious beverage this place is hot, stimulating and actually beneficial.

19 Comments on It’s An Addiction

  1. I dunno… I became addicted to watching this weird, kinda hot, Iranian vegan chick with a killer cleavage and nice bod do weird dances and shit, but her channel disappeared the other day for some reason.

  2. IOTW is my social media addiction. 🙂 I do look at a few other websites each day for news, but this is the site I go to for posting my opinion and “hanging” out.

    I am really glad BFH got the site problems worked out.

  3. Fakebook, what’s Fakebook? I quit using it nearly 3 years ago when the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage. I was about to unload and vent my spleen and thought about it and decided to Hell with Fakebook. Haven’t been there since and will not go back there ever again. I can live without it since I made it thru 50 + of my 65 years without it. And besides I like my privacy and if someone really wants to talk to me they can call me or look me up the old fashioned way.

  4. merry poppet….”in his yard???”…..seriously?????

    he knows we’ll be in the kitchen, in the living room, on the porch, and, probbly, IN THE BEDROOM……

    …..ALL the bedrooms……..

    ……….good thing he got that little problem fixed last night, is all i wanna say…….really good thing……

    ……….. 🙂

  5. I come read IOTW and DBD first thing in the morning, and last thing at night.
    At work IOTW is blocked, so I peruse IowaDawg and antzinpantz. IOWG has pictures, too.

    And if you’re not reading Day By Day cartoon on a daily basis, you’re wrong. Get thee hence, and read.

  6. I love this site, and as others have said. I begin my day here and come often, when I can. I do it for the news, the snark, and the wonderful comments. I also love the off news times when we get to know each other better with quizzes and the like.

    So glad the problems were resolved!

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