Shapiro Does Get a Good One In Now and Again, Doesn’t He? – IOTW Report

Shapiro Does Get a Good One In Now and Again, Doesn’t He?

Piers Morgan and Ben Shapiro are at it again. It’s odd. There are times I love things that Morgan says, and other times I hate what he says. Same goes for Shapiro.

But you find out where your allegiances really reside when there is a fight between the two. We’ve taken our potshots at Shapiro for looking oddly boyish at the age of 34 (which is not really the deepest cut one can deliver someone), but when Piers Morgan took shots at Shapiro for being short (he’s not really all that short. For Cenk Uygur’s case let’s hope Shapiro is at least 5″8″),

Cenk, the original Mr. 5X5

I was pissed.

Morgan was told on Twitter to “use that little constitution Shapiro gave him.” His response was to say something like the little constitution matched the tiny man who gave it to him.

That’s an ironic blow considering the topic that was being discussed, 2A. Guns level the playing field against intimidators who could otherwise strong arm the weaker person.

The back and forth continued, until this shut Morgan up. He asked Shapiro, sarcastically, “where would Britain be without you & your massive guns?”

Today, I like Shapiro.

16 Comments on Shapiro Does Get a Good One In Now and Again, Doesn’t He?

  1. I would like to tell Piers that he better be paying closer attention to what’s going on in his own country than talking smack about what the US should be doing. Apparently, thugs can break into your house in the UK now and attack you, but if you hurt the attacker while defending yourself, you’re the one who will go to prison. The only option in Britain now then is to let anyone who wants break into your house, kill you and take your stuff. Not to mention that free speech/telling the truth is dead. I give it 3 years before the barbarian hordes separate his head from his neck.

  2. Shapiro also makes apologies for Soros. Despite Soros saying his Nazi collaborater days were the best of his life, Shapiro frames it as Soros being forced to work with the Nazis.

    Would he give a non-tribe member that worked enthusiastically with the Nazis such a forgivable reading. Somehow I doubt it. The tribe above all else, unless if you are white.

  3. I followed this twat storm and Morgan started this by baiting Kyle Kashuv with the old, “the 2cnd amendment isn’t for general gun ownership it’s for a Militia. You should actually read it”. And Kashuv shut him down by asking him if he’d ever heard of the Federalist Papers. I think Kashuv has someone coaching him.

  4. One day I’d like to understand the obsession some people who are not Americans and not even live here, have in taking away Americans’ weapons. Would they go interfering in other countries culture also?

  5. One a Jew and the other a Poofster….no, neither would have been around to speak German.

    Hitler’s plans for a conquered Britain were more brutal than most imagine.
    The Axis had plans for a conquered USA/Canada as well. Hitler was promising Mexico a share in the spoils if they would cooperate as a staging base for the Invasion.
    The Japanese would get the West Coast up to Alaska, German would be spoken from Nova Scotia to Cuba to Denver, and all the undesirables, including veterans, Jews and Negroes, would be eliminated.

  6. Ben can kiss my ass.
    He is a never Trumper to the Max.
    They are trying to get him to go Main stream on air, he is a snake. He will try to stop Trump at all cost.
    I don’t care how he responds to Morgan, that is a easy bar to climb over, I want him to support our President or shut the Fuck up.
    Harsh, yea, the guy has done major damage to Trump and by default all of us. How many votes did he cost us last time and how many votes will he cost us this time around.
    Until he gets his head out of his ass I have no use for him, you can bet he will support and vote for the “Mailman” when the rubber meets the road.


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