YouTube Shooter and her odd “sexy” dance videos – IOTW Report

YouTube Shooter and her odd “sexy” dance videos

I had no idea she had the big cans, but it is not at all “sexy” for some reason. Maybe because she looks like Paul Stanley, and sings like Margaret Cho’s mother, and is nuts.

Ht/ the the very strange Petrus!!  (Love the guy.)


48 Comments on YouTube Shooter and her odd “sexy” dance videos

  1. Can’t we stop calling her dancing woman. We know she is a Muslim from Iran and the FBI is involved in the investigation. Today the FBI was in her house. I have a video of the mother fuc evil Muslim calling on Muslim woman and other to attack America in places like this. So I don’t believe that this all of to do with YouTube shit dance. If you read what she put about America that will open your eyes. She claims that America doesn’t have the freedom a speech but Iran freedom of speech is better.

  2. I watched about 50% of the video and I realized that she looks like, and the whole video looks like a Disney cartoon. Plastic.

    If a real lady wiggles like that, she’s gonna jiggle a tad. Not so with her, unless she has honkin filters on the camera.

    It almost looks like she’s molded from firm silicone from the cheekbones down.

    Maybe that’s why it’s not sexy.

  3. Aside from this phucking cunt, did any of you notice that Google paid tribute to Winnie Mandala on the anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King? Winnie has a beautiful necklace reminding the Google world that Minnie was into necklaces. Winnie is the closest thing that we could ever come to if we elected Killary Clinton.

  4. A few thoughts:
    – I’m pretty certain that’s a prosthetic chest.
    – Good call on the Paul Stanley resemblance.
    – The number of subscribers that some Yewtoobers have is mind boggling when you consider what the video content is, like the woman who opens the Disney Eggs and reveals what’s inside. She has 10 million subscribers; one random video I just looked at has over 306 million views. There’s the promise of making huge money and some people do. It doesn’t have to be well-made or have any redeeming value, it just has to appeal to someone and get enough Likes and Subscribers.

    In this way, on top of there being no more boundaries and no more shame, society encourages and rewards the most aberrant, bizarre, and anti-social behavior.

  5. Vegan for ‘look at me’? Just another garden variety whack job. That top had to be glued to her chest for those bad boys not to fall out with all the wiggling going on. And, they didn’t move much either. Hmmm . . .

  6. Gavine McGuiness said that bushy eye browed women should keep their hair long. I agree. Espespecially before pointing a pistol to their head and pulling the trigger.

  7. Some are speculating she’s a tranny. Hmmm.

    So much Cray-Cray in one package. 39 and Persian but no husband, no kids? How humiliating for her family.

    The Persian expat communities I’ve met are all permanently frozen in 1979. Like displaces Czarist aristocrats in 1920s Paris. Clinging to old titles and memories of power and positions lost. Nursing grievances, fantasizing impossible reinstatement’s to lost glory. Fiercely tribal, marrying only among themselves. Men focus on medicine and law, women marry shrewdly and own upscale jewelry boutiques.
    This SJW chickadee would have been quite the disappointment to the Persian families I’ve met.

  8. “With our match boxes and our necklaces we shall liberate this country.” Wennie Mandela, on South Africa. Necklace = Car tire put around an opponents neck, splashed with petrol and set on fire.
    “What difference, at this point, does it make”? Hillary Clinton on the Benghazi fiasco where four American Heroes were killed. Is there a difference between these
    two cunts?

  9. I love trim women’s bodies. But this was pathetic and I couldn’t make it past 40 seconds. Pathetic!!

    @ Moe: NO, there isn’t, except that one now is really dead.

  10. After reading the comments here, and noticing what was missing in “her” movements, I think that she is really a he and the media had to drop the whole thing fast.

    I think you guys are correct.

  11. Wouldn’t even silicone move some? That was just weird.

    I saw a picture of her when she was first identified. She was at some animal rights protest, she looked like a man and I don’t remember seeing big boobs.


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