Killing Someone Over A Racial Slur Is Still Murder – IOTW Report

Killing Someone Over A Racial Slur Is Still Murder

Daily Caller: The Washington Post ran a story Tuesday with this odd headline: “He said he punched a woman for calling him the n-word. A jury called it murder.”

Weird how a jury would determine killing someone over an alleged insult constitutes a murder.

The Post’s story covers the case of Robert Coleman, a 27-year-old black man found guilty of second-degree murder in Alexandria, Va. Coleman was convicted this week of delivering a fatal punch to a 39-year-old Hispanic woman.

The defendant claimed he punched the woman because she called him the n-word and that he assumed she was a man due to her heavy build and short hair. Coleman’s lawyers also tried to blame the victim’s extremely inebriated state for her own death.

Prosecutors disputed Coleman’s justification, noting the victim could barely speak English and would have been unlikely to say such a racial slur. Regardless, the prosecutors argued that insults do not justify murder. The jury agreed.

But apparently WaPo thought the murderer’s explanation warranted sympathetic coverage, even though he beat to death a Hispanic woman. While most readers would agree with the prosecutors and jury that racial slurs don’t excuse murder, it’s a defense that wins over journalists and occasionally even over authorities.  more here

19 Comments on Killing Someone Over A Racial Slur Is Still Murder

  1. I served on a jury that did the same thing. Black guy killed a Native American for saying hello to his niece.

    We did think that hello was kind of a stretch as a racial slur.

  2. nigger nigger nigger
    It should not be a forbidden word. We hear fuck cunt shit asshole piss chink, gypsy, wop, Hebb, muzz, rag head, every day. It’s time to treat racial slurs and swearing all the same. words, so what?

    Nigger is just another word, black people should not expect special treatment.

  3. Notice that there isn’t a single shred of proof that the victim actually called that nigger piece of shit a “nigger”. He just made that crap up himself to try to get away with beating a woman to death for no reason.

  4. Reminds me that I have “Barack The Magic Negro” to thank for making me realize that I’m a racist.

    Wasn’t until his second term that it finally was made clear to me that all us Honkies are racist! Guess I’m a slow learner…

  5. Insight into their limited critical thinking minds, the left equates their butt hurt feelings on the same scale as bodily injury. And getting their feelings hurt is justification for putting their hands on another person. Probably why they also can’t grasp the 1st Amendment covers all speech unless you make a threat not just the speech they approve even if it hurts their little feelings or makes them uncomfortable.

  6. Billy: Teacher, Teacher….Zonga and TheMule said, nigger.

    Teacher: That’s OK Billy, they were talking about a low life hood rat that riots, steals, beats up defenseless people, won’t work for a living, sells and uses drugs.

    Billy: Oh, OK.

  7. But does a negro actually need a reason to kill a spick? Or a honky? Or a chink?

    Being negro is never having to say “I’m sorry.”

    I thought everybody knew that!

    izlamo delenda est …


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