American Eagle Sits on Mariners’ Starting Pitcher’s Shoulder During National Anthem – IOTW Report

American Eagle Sits on Mariners’ Starting Pitcher’s Shoulder During National Anthem

It’s not as idyllic looking as it sounds because pitcher James Paxton was understandably a bit spooked by the eagle’s 1st attempt. He does eventually land on him, and if this was 1888 and there was no video, history might record this as something a bit more elegant.

But it was cool nonetheless since we are living in times where the flag and our national symbols are under attack from within.

I hope Paxton is a patriot. That would make the story cooler.

No, wait. If Paxton is a would-be kneeler the story is even better. The eagle would be confronting him and maybe trying to send him a message.

12 Comments on American Eagle Sits on Mariners’ Starting Pitcher’s Shoulder During National Anthem

  1. I like the second scenario.
    He was a kneeler and Patriot Eagle is sending a message.
    Either way, he stood there a lot longer than I would have.
    Of course, he’s a professional.

  2. @ LCD: I used to take care of a male adult Golden who hadn’t been flown for years at the U of M, when I was in grad school. They ARE magnificent. I used to walk him – didn’t think I should try to fly him since it had been years since someone had – but got to the point where he would easily get on my arm and even let me stroke him without glove and without threatening to take my fingers. Beautiful, beautiful 16 pound bird. One of my favorite memories.

  3. My son and I went to a Mariners game at Safeco Field about 15 years against the Detroit Tigers. Anyway that particular day there were a few bald eagles flying over Safeco Field, it was quite a sight seeing the eagles there. I believe the main reason they were there was because after the ballgame the eagles would swoop down and attack the seagulls who were eating all the leftover food and other debris left in the stands. At one time during the game the Jumbotron panned away and showed large pictures of the eagles flying over the field.


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