California is leading the country in an antibiotic resistant bacteria that kills half the people infected – IOTW Report

California is leading the country in an antibiotic resistant bacteria that kills half the people infected

Another major accomplishment by California!

The Patch-

Antibiotic-resistant “nightmare bacteria” infections were recently found in California, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported this week. The bacteria are known as carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, and can cause pneumonia as well as infections of the bloodstream and urinary tract. The CDC said an alarming 50 percent of those infected with CRE typically die.

Antibiotic-resistant infections are more widespread than just those attributed to CRE. About 2 million Americans get infections from antibiotic-resistant bacteria each year and 23,000 die, according to Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC reported that California had at least 109 cases of CRE, which has been dubbed the “nightmare bacteria” by the agency, as of Dec. 31, 2017. That’s more than in any other state, according to CDC data.


h/t hey, SF–clean up those neeeedles

11 Comments on California is leading the country in an antibiotic resistant bacteria that kills half the people infected

  1. I didn’t know what “shigella” was still I saw a story about it running rampant (!) in the homeless population around Seattle. The city council expressed some concern about tourists and workers becoming infected as they go about their day because the homeless are everywhere. That’s as far as it went though-some concern.

  2. And guess what group is on the “front line”, perhaps most at danger of contracting this infection? Yes, police officers. The ones who Dems in the state are trying to strip of their ability to use justifiable force. Yet another reason for coppers to pack up and move elsewhere!

  3. “Some infected patients had traveled to other countries where drug-resistant germs are more common”

    Not a word about people from 3rd world countries illegally migrating to the US who brought the deadly bacteria with them.

    Well, that one way to reduce the california population.

  4. California leads the country in our quest for third world status.

    third world diseases are just more third world love from third world immigrants.

    before kennedy led the charge to change our immigration laws to benefit the democrats (which includes all professional politicians ) we heavily restricted third world immigration.

    we were doing ok.

    now the democrats ( read all professional politicians ) keep getting re-elected and are robbing us blind as they spend us into oblivion while all the time making laws to assist in the importation of more illegal immigrants.

    it’s like they have a plan or something.

  5. The illegals bring a host of diseases and tropical parasites with them when they come. And leftist policies that allow rivers of human waste to flow through the streets of their cities provides perfect conditions for an explosion of some fast spreading plague to work through the population. Reckless stupidity.


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