Trump Thanks Mexico for Breaking up ‘Immigration Caravan’ – IOTW Report

Trump Thanks Mexico for Breaking up ‘Immigration Caravan’

Breitbart: President Donald Trump gave credit to Mexico for helping break up the illegal immigration “caravan” from Honduras to the United States.

“The Caravan is largely broken up thanks to the strong immigration laws of Mexico and their willingness to use them so as not to cause a giant scene at our Border,” he wrote on Twitter on Thursday.

Although the caravan has broken up, many of the participants still plan to make their way to the United States.  more here

7 Comments on Trump Thanks Mexico for Breaking up ‘Immigration Caravan’

  1. didn’t obama thank the mexican government for sending them during his administration ?

    “many of the participants still plan to make their way to the United States”

    I hope we still send the national guard to guard the nations southern border.

  2. Mexico has never done a thing to assist us in anything including controlling the hordes streaming through to our borders. If they make any move it’s to their own benefit.
    Their country is attached to us like a fattened tick that will never drop off. Build the wall.

  3. Obama finished my 4th Term by sucking the lifeblood out of America with Obamacare. The next to fall will be the Second Amendment, then the First Amendment. Then, when everyone is silent and defenseless, it will be time to turn out the lights on this once great Nation.

    Just sayin’

  4. We will never know but I imagine that messyco was told
    “you know that millions of dollars in foreign aid ya’ll get, it would be a shame if something happened to it” or words to that effect.
    If the Mexican polls are correct the next mex pres is going down the Chavez trail. Look for our south neighbor to be a larger shithole than it is already. The cartels have a lot of pull in Mexico City as pols will take their bribes or be assassinated. Sucks, but that’s the way it is. This country is a goner.


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