GWU “Christian Privilege” Workshop Not Disrupted By Christian Students – IOTW Report

GWU “Christian Privilege” Workshop Not Disrupted By Christian Students


George Washington University raised eyebrows recently with an event held by the school’s Multicultural Student Service Center on “Christian Privilege.” The training module was presented last night with about half the room being GWU Christian students. While those students attempted to engage the leaders of the session on a number of issues presented to the participants, they managed to do so without disrupting the evening. More

7 Comments on GWU “Christian Privilege” Workshop Not Disrupted By Christian Students

  1. @expat you realize it would be culturally insensitive to point out how members of another social order is persecuting Christian. Why I’m sure the staff at the Multicultural Students Center would be appalled at the mere mention of such an actual fact.

  2. I think NOT disrupting such gatherings is a HUGE mistake.
    Also, the rebuke of some actions not being very Christian-like, that invariably comes from non-Christians, needs to be slapped down.
    Can you imagine that being tolerated as a criticism of any other religion by non-adherents of that religion?

  3. Fire the administration, fire ALL the teaching staff, eliminate tenure, defund everything, close the school for a year and then start over. There’s no meaningful education going on there.

  4. This was a phishing expedition for bad press to use against Christians, hoping to goad them into behaving badly. Too bad for the agitators — no one took the bait,

  5. Hey let’s not forget Dan Savage and his tirades against Christianity. Let anyone in the media apply the same standard to every other religion as Mr. Savage has done.

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