Meeshell Obama Lives in an Alternate Universe – IOTW Report

Meeshell Obama Lives in an Alternate Universe

Moose says that if we’re going to use parents as a metaphor, between Trump and Obama, Barry was the “responsible” parent.

The Hill-

The Obama administration “was like having the ‘good parent’ at home,” the former first lady said. “The responsible parent, the one who told you to eat your carrots and go to bed on time.”

“And now we have the other parent,” Obama added. “We thought it’d feel fun — maybe it feels fun for now because we can eat candy all day and stay up late and not follow the rules.”

What in Howdy Doody is this crazy lady saying?

First of all, only a leftist to the core maniac would use a metaphor where the president is the parent, and the rest of us are kids.

But, if you have the audacity to use this analogy, wasn’t it the Obama administration that green lighted the use of the term “funemployment,” whereby “kids” could take time off to find themselves while the government handed them the money they confiscated from people who ate their carrots, went to bed early, got up and went to work?

I could go on, but why let me have all the fun.

Drop some comments for Moose in the comment section.


42 Comments on Meeshell Obama Lives in an Alternate Universe

  1. When is she going to name a specific policy, which 0bama enacted, that worked out? What success has he had? And please, show your work.
    Also, blowing out ‘budgets’ and spending more than all presidents in history (probably including the ones BEFORE Washington) does not count as a success.

  2. About that WH vegetable garden, which she admitted was a ploy to get people to like her, so then they would listen to her as she ‘wagged her finger’ in our faces- What does she think it is about her personality that is so off-putting that she has to trick people into liking her?

  3. “…Hillary Clinton, probably the most qualified person to ever seek the office of the presidency,…”.

    Well, even if nothing else works out for her, that description shows that Mooch has a definite talent for comedy writing.


  4. why do Big Mike and Lil’ Barry want ‘a million more’ like them?
    Is it because they want millions of people to ignore their children? What are they doing about their daughter, Malaprop’s drug problem? And the fact that she’s dating a white boy, when they themselves aren’t fans of white people? And what of their other daughter, Sassafras? Does anyone know where she is? Does anybody care?

  5. A man, play-acting as a women, (play-married to a homo who pretends he’s a MAN), playing mom to two kids from central casting, while knowing anyone with a brain cell knows what’s going on and still pretends to be a responsible person imparting their nonexistent wisdom on the retarded deplorables while calling the most despicable, hateful bitch Satan ever birthed as qualified to lead, well, yes, she sounds like the mature, smart one.

  6. Obama is 1/2 black. Why people want to pretend that confers some wisdom, competence or gentility is beyond me. The guy is a complete fraud and failure.

    Trump has erased most of Obama’s malignant legacy and the rest is being removed through major surgery.

    God smiled upon us (and in choosing Trump is having a belly laugh at the left’s expense).

  7. What mooch saying her fuc daughter smoke and always drunk. Fuc mooch that gorilla 🦍 was proud of America first the first time when her Muslim husband wins the elections.

  8. If those were actually your offspring, sir, you could make such comments. But you and your phony “marriage” are an obvious facade.

    Hey, by the way, when do Martin and Anita get their children back?

  9. This dumbass has never had a real job that wasnt aa. Isnt she disbarred in il? That is like being fired from watergate commission for being corrupt. Loser hater useless stupid grifter

  10. Come on, Michelle. What you REALLY wanted to say is “Barack was good because he Black. Trump bad because he White.” Just admit it. I mean, after all, it was YOU who said that when a patron asked you to help her in a grocery store because an item was out of her reach, this was an affront to you and a clear example of Racism in America.

    We know who you are and how you think.

  11. During one of Bill Clinton’s debates during one of his Presidential elections, some dickhead stood up and prefaced his question with “you are our father.” Now Michelle takes the same tack and claims the Obama administration was “the good parent.”

    Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. This is what is wrong with modern politics – the government is not my parent, no public official is my father or mother, and no government official, agency or body has any moral authority over me. You work for me and the other taxpayers, you worthless shits. You are an employee, and your job is to not fuck anything up more than you usually do. We pay you well, but don’t pretend you can’t be replaced – you can, and you should be more often than you are. In fact, in a lot of states (including my own), both of our Senators and most of our Congress members can be replaced by untrained monkeys, and we would actually be better off if we just left the positions vacant.

    Don’t ever compare the government or any particular administration to my parents. My parents had flaws, but compared to you were saints. My values are the same under Trump as they were under Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Reagan and I don’t need permission to live my life as I choose to or believe as I want to. I’m not one of your party’s or the government’s useful idiots, and I expect you to perform your Constitution duties and shut the hell up.

    Rant finished.

  12. 0bama a father figure? It was 8 years of having a snotty teenager with oppositional disorder in the White House. And his snotty, oppositional brain dead acolytes are still punishing the rest of us.

  13. Yeah, let’s worry about eating our Arugula while the press ignored your husband’s militarizeation of Federak departments (recall the massive Federal ammo and firearms purchases under Obama) – while wanting to take away our guns. Give me a fricken break.

  14. If they were parents, which they were not, they were abusive parents.

    As I recall, the American Indians in the west, were told gifts given them were from the Great White Father in the East (meaning Jefferson), who would bring them prosperity, if they didn’t attack white settlers. I think they weren’t shown the other side of the coin.

    How’d that work out for them?

    Then there was Andrew Jackson .

    Don’t ever ever accept a “father” or “parents” from Washington DC.
    Never ever. That Moose Woman she crazy. Believes her own bull crap.

  15. The 2nd Amendment was put in place to insure we have the tools to help remind jackasses in Washington DC that they are not our parents. For when they need reminding.

  16. Vietvet APRIL 6, 2018 AT 4:56 PM
    “…Hillary Clinton, probably the most qualified person to ever seek the office of the presidency,…”.

    Well, even if nothing else works out for her, that description shows that Mooch has a definite talent for comedy writing.


    Actually caused me into a short laughing jag, then stopped and recalled…

    Ain’t this the BITCH that said something like, “All that for a flag?”

  17. @Wyatt, IPJ: Great rant. Spot on. I had my own parents, so I don’t need any Government surrogates either, least of all the Great Mulatto Paterfamilias of Questionable Origin.


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