DOJ Will Allow House, Senate Intel Committees Access To Carter Page FISA Documents – IOTW Report

DOJ Will Allow House, Senate Intel Committees Access To Carter Page FISA Documents

Daily Caller: The Department of Justice says it will allow members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees to view surveillance warrants granted against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in what the agency is calling an “extraordinary accommodation.”

DOJ is allowing the access to the four warrant applications in response to demands from California Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Nunes threatened earlier this week to take legal action if the DOJ did not provide all committee members access to the four Page warrants, which were issued in 2016 and 2017 by judges on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court. Nunes also demanded that the FBI hand over an internal document known as an Electronic Communication (EC), which laid out the basis for the bureau’s investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russian government.  more here

11 Comments on DOJ Will Allow House, Senate Intel Committees Access To Carter Page FISA Documents

  1. Isn’t this Trumps DOJ? How is the DOJ able to deny the senate or the White House anything? Who is holding the information back. Find and fire them. Why hasn’t Sessions subpoenaed all the information?

  2. Wow! That’s mighty white of em!
    The agents of the people are gonna “allow” the representatives of the people to see what the people paid for!
    But, of course, the people can’t see them.

    Hmmm …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Uh oh…remember what Sundance said about the Senate Intel Committee: Nothing but a thoroughly corrupted establishment leak factory. Get ready for a bunch of leaking spin from Mark Warner, Richard Burr, Susan Collins and little Rubio.

  4. If you want a very professional
    and detailed daily rundown on
    what’s going on with this stuff
    Dan Bongino’s show is tops.
    I’m hooked on it and it’s free.

  5. They sure took their sweet time releasing them

    Makes me wonder if we will get the originals or whatever they doctored up in all this time!

    It is so disgusting that those we elected to represent us to keep us safe and protect our rights have to spend their time investigating the corruption amongst themselves.

    The tax dollars being wasted on all these investigations could be much better used

    Only real solution is term limits and there is no way that will happen

  6. @Marq April 7, 2018 at 8:55 am

    > It is so disgusting that those we elected to represent us to keep us safe and protect our rights have to spend their time investigating the corruption amongst themselves.

    Stop! STOP! I’m gonna’ pee!

    > Only real solution is term limits

    That’s what THEY said!

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