PETA wants to deport….. – IOTW Report

PETA wants to deport…..



Earlier this week a vegan PETA activist opened fire at the YouTube headquarters in California, injuring 4 before killing herself. That’s apparently okay with the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, because people are not animals. Animals are animals and because Donald Trump Jr. hunts them instead of humans, PETA is demanding that he be deported from the United States at once. It’s not just ethics that PETA doesn’t understand, it’s also immigration law.

As you can see PETA has has a snappy billboard featuring the President’s son from a 2012 hunting trip. Let’s let the animal rights activists explain this ridiculous thing:


13 Comments on PETA wants to deport…..

  1. God gave mankind dominion
    over all the animals on earth…
    Man hunted since the dawn of time.
    Like all libs these people are the
    enemies of America & Mankind.

  2. The very reason they have large enough brains to develop emotions, is due to the fact that their ancestors cruelly killed animals with crude non humane technology and ate them.

  3. Genesis 1:26-28
    And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

  4. I don’t hunt.
    That being said (written), hunting doesn’t bother me.
    Like most things I don’t do (and there are many) I don’t begrudge my compatriots from enjoying themselves however they see fit (within limits, of course).
    The principle difference between those who believe in Liberty, as opposed to those who believe is Slavery, is just that: the believer in Liberty may not smoke Nicaraguan cigars, but would never imagine denying Nicaraguan cigars from whomever wishes to partake, whereas the Oppressor, or believer in Slavery, would deny Nicaraguan cigars from EVERYONE.

    These PETA fools aren’t content to spay cats and euthanize stray dogs, but feel compelled to impose their foolishness on the entire world, regardless of the fact that most of humanity knows them to be incorrigible imbeciles.

    “By whose authority do you preach this doctrine?”

    My sneaking suspicion is that they are another of the myriad totalitarian front organizations whose sole aim is subjugation, and that they have no serious interests in animals, at all.

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. We dined at a hooty-tooty restaurant recently with a sign in the window that said: “We serve everyone of gender, religion, sexual preference, liberals, this is your safe place, you are protected here.” After we ate, I asked the waiter about the sign. I asked him if someone comes in here with an AR15 and shoots this place up, how are you going to protect your customers? His look was priceless and there was no answer. I just wanted to point out that their sign was worthless. Oh, and they allow dogs in the restaurant too. Everyone had a dog but us.

  6. Bob April 8, 2018 at 9:58 am

    PETA fuc you I love meat 🍖 . Fuc you PETA deport this mother fuc criminals illegal aliens that are coming to the USA and killing Americans.

    That was great! Ironic that they’d be packed in a horse trailer. They all looked like they ate too many tacos and burritos. I love the handcuffs on all thpose doggies.


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