Kimmel Seeks to End Feud With Hannity – IOTW Report

Kimmel Seeks to End Feud With Hannity

Jimmy Kimmel has declared “no mas” after Hannity and Kimmel have been returning fire at each other on Twitter.

It started with Kimmel’s tweet making fun of the first lady’s accent when she read books to children on Easter.

Hannity laid into him, Kimmel said he loved it and encouraged more hatefulness.

Now, after people wished his family dead on Twitter he wants a cease fire.

ht/ all too much

23 Comments on Kimmel Seeks to End Feud With Hannity

  1. Hannity has Kimmel squirming like a toad and Kimmel’s apology isn’t even an apology. I agree with Bad Brad, Hannity needs to keep on Kimmel. Hannity needs 24 hours for his staff to get his show together, waiting and not tweeting is for ratings ya know. I’ll listen to him at 12:00 pm if I’m near a radio. If I don’t like what he’s saying I’ll turn him off.

  2. The only apology was to those who took offense in the gay community. He also tries to absolve himself by using the backhanded compliment and saying “Mrs. Trump almost certainly has enough to worry about without being used as a prop to increase TV ratings.” Yes, Jimmy is almost certain FLOTUS has more to worry about than him using her to prop up his ratings. The only reason this little pussy is waiving the white flag is because he pissed off the protected gay faction of the Democrat party and he must grovel to get back in their good graces.

  3. Kimmel apologized to his “gay” handlers (pun intended) not Hannity. I hope some of the more radical #MeToo femintards make him squirm.
    Kimmel is also trying to make his audience believe Hannity attacked him and he was defending himself – hence the so-called apology. How magnanimous. Once again a leftist is a “victim ” and good guy. Sure…right.

  4. I am a throwback in a lot of ways and I stand by dueling. What would an updated version that retains honor look like?

    I used to listen to Hannity when he followed Rush in my market. I forgot he was a good shot until you mentioned it. But Kimmel can’t shoot off anything but his mouth, right? Or am I mistaken?

  5. Actually, Kimmel isn’t afraid of the gay viewers, he’s scared of the #MeToo pink hat pussy ladies who got rid of Weinstein and others lickty split. That’s exactly who needs to finish Kimmel off, Hannity needs to encourage them to take Kimmel on. Look, 1 pic of Al Franken getting ready to grab a woman’s boob, and video after video of Kimmel asking women for sex, walking around with an erection harassing women, asking women to feel his crotch and put their mouth on it. That’s what he’s afraid of, women turning on him. He can’t deny it either!

  6. Kimmel should have been targeted by #MeToo morons by now. Wonder who’s protecting Kimmel. Probably Deep State swamp progressives in Congress and Hollyweird top executives at ABC.

  7. Remember, folks, you can’t spell “Kimmel” without “I” and “ME”.

    Kimmel is a self-centered self-blinded dungheap. Karma’s a a bitch, Kimmel.


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