Can Art, Music, TV or Movies Influence Someone To Take Their Own Life? – IOTW Report

Can Art, Music, TV or Movies Influence Someone To Take Their Own Life?

The Netflix fiction series, 13 Reasons Why, chronicles the reasons a young girl commits suicide. Critics say it romanticizes suicide and frames the decision to end her life as the only alternative.

This email blast from the AFA includes a short video about a family who lost a teen to suicide after binge watching the show. They make the case that their daughter would be alive had the show never aired.

The hugely popular Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, has become a lightning rod for critics who say it glorifies suicide and might even make it an attractive option for teenagers who are enduring difficult times in their lives.


Watch the heartbreaking video about Anna Bright, a 14-year-old who committed suicide after binge-watching 13 Reasons Why. Anna’s parents contacted the American Family Association, asking us to help get the word out about the dangers of 13 Reasons Why. They shared their story with our film division.

On March 25, I sent a private letter to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, respectfully asking for a short meeting to discuss our concerns. The letter was ignored.

Season 1 was hugely popular. While it was airing last year, the web site for Teen Vogue said the series was Netflix’s most popular show on social media. Netflix plans to release a second season soon.

Read the AFA Journal feature about this series and its impact on the family of Anna Bright and others.

Even the mainstream media has publicized the potential dangers of 13 Reasons Why, and some schools here in America and abroad have sent home letters to warn parents about the series.

Those dangers are very real. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that suicide has risen to become the second-leading cause of death among teenagers.

Asking Netflix to drop this dangerous television series is the right thing to do. Please sign this petition, then share it as a way to warn other friends, family, and church members about the dangers of 13 Reasons Why.

Sign the petition demanding that NNetflix pull Season 1 of the series and cancel plans to air Season 2.

If our mission resonates with you, please consider supporting our work financially with a tax-deductible donation. The easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure.

Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association


HT/ Cato

9 Comments on Can Art, Music, TV or Movies Influence Someone To Take Their Own Life?

  1. Suggested Age Rating: 15-17+ depending on the child watching and with parental discretion. Graphic content includes sexual assault, suicide, fist fights, language, drug use, underage drinking, insults such as “cum dumpster”, self harm, as well as the fact that the show revolves around grief and …

    Know what your kids are watching.
    Parents also attack gun makers for their inability to educate and keep their kids away from guns.

  2. Nihilism – pure and simple.

    Not atheism – but more Anti-God.
    Corral our youth into sin.
    Not enough that baseness and depravity exist, but the nihilist must glorify the darkness and ridicule the light.

    And the sad part is that we don’t even seem to realize what’s happening around us – we are oblivious – staring into our TVs and iPhones and mulling the source of our next high – whether it be an orgasm, meth, acid, weed, or dinner.

    Oy! Is it any wonder that a sleazy grifter like HRC gets traction?

    izlamo delenda est …


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