Accusations Against Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens Reads Like a Lifetime Movie Script – IOTW Report

Accusations Against Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens Reads Like a Lifetime Movie Script

The accusations against Greitens are pretty heinous. The details the woman supplies of his sexual assault are disturbing, seemingly more like a script from a Lifetime horror movie about a sexual psychopath- or from the hit movie women absolutely adore – 50 Shades of Gray. Take your pick.

When the woman said she had several sessions of consensual sex after her first bizarre and sadistic encounter in his basement I began looking at her story with a sideways glance.

Story here.



15 Comments on Accusations Against Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens Reads Like a Lifetime Movie Script

  1. She is a slut, a busted slut, a slut just the same.
    Raped her and she kept going back?
    “… I do not think it means what you think it means.”- Inigo Montoya
    The governor was going to blackmail the hairdresser?
    That fish is over three days old, it stinks.
    Somebody else smells money.

  2. 50 shades devotees claim such activity empowers women. Saw a trailer for a new movie “The Book Club” where 4 well known washed up Hollywood actresses play friends who have a book club and read 50 shades and it turns them into old sluts.
    The pervey gov and his girlfriend just didn’t have their secret word finalized from the beginning.

    The trailer played prior to “Chappaquiddick” which I highly recommend.

  3. First red flag, she returned the very same day, ALONE, after work, having just been raped, to retrieve her keys. How’d she leave?
    The only certainty in her fantastical story… she’s so upset, she never expected this would get out when her ex, having recorded her confession, exacted revenge and blabbed to a reporter.

    Yet, she continued the affair, never knowing when she’s be raped again, because hey, “sometimes it was consensual, sometimes not”.

    They’re both wrong. They cheated. Her 50 Shades of Gray re-enactment turned into A Flaming Shade of Red, when the recording became public, but he doesn’t deserve to be criminally charged.

  4. Come on. The dude had power fantasies, thought the woman would “melt” into multiple orgasms and he had not been able to successfully tie up his wife.

    Two strikes: a stupid attempt at an affair with a starstruck hairdresser and, probably, a divorce.

    So? He lost big. …and didn’t “really” rape her, like the teen thugs gang rape…. …or the nice migrants now inhabiting Sweden…

    Strike three: He is soon to be an ex-governor. Big price.

    Sexually submissive men are much more interesting — and clear about what they want, need, and fantasize. ….Lady in Red

  5. addendum: Mistakenly stated “criminally charged”. While this is an embarrassing public trial, which will cost him the governorship, civil and/or criminal charges are sure to ensue, they’re out for blood when it involves a republican.

  6. He needs to step down. As for her, NO woman–in her right mind–willfully goes back to “look for keys” (which is a blatant lie) and continues in future sexual escapades with the guy. {Must say, before the Internet I had NO IDEA how stupid people were; how are we able to even EXIST?}

  7. I know we all like the rebel candidate that is going to come in and clean house, and Greitens was one of those as he ran for Missouri governor, but that’s the very type of candidate that has a LOT of enemies throughout the establishment.

  8. Tips for dating/extra-marital affairs:

    1. Gals: Don’t go back to a guy’s house or apartment – especially after he says his wife or roommate is gone. He wants sex, and if you don’t stay away.

    2. Gals: If the guy’s creepy, and there are a lot of them out there, don’t go back after the first bad experience.

    3. Guys: it’s the Victorian era. If you are caught, everyone will pretend to be outraged and you may lose your job, your office or a whole lot of money.

    4. Guys: If you can’t control yourself, change your name to “William Jefferson Clinton.” And marry a hypocritical and obsessively driven pit bull like Hillary to cover up your messes.


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