New Orleans: Traffic Cameras Give Speeding Tickets To Parked Cars – IOTW Report

New Orleans: Traffic Cameras Give Speeding Tickets To Parked Cars

KFI: Traffic cameras in New Orleans have been issuing tickets to parked cars for years and one resident is getting sick and tired of having to go down to City Hall to fight them. Donald Schulz says his pickup truck has received at least ten citations since 2011 while it was legally parked on the street. Schulz said that his sister and wife [SNIP: I’m gonna let you figure out that one] have also received a fine in the mail when they park on the street. Fines can range from $75 to $100.

In every citation he received, another vehicle was clearly visible, but the camera read his license plate, instead of the plate of the speeding vehicle.

Schulz says he was going down to fight the tickets so often, he would call the traffic violations office directly instead of going down to deal with the ticket in person. MORE

17 Comments on New Orleans: Traffic Cameras Give Speeding Tickets To Parked Cars

  1. This happened to me, and I went to court to fight it. Imagine my surprise when I found out the speed limit on that street is negative 10 mph, so not only did I have to pay the speeding ticket but court costs as well.

  2. @Wyatt – But, but, but…if the speed limit is negative and your car was stopped, i.e. moving less negatively, wouldn’t you be legal?

    Oh. Wait. Their purpose is revenue generation. I forgot that for a moment.

  3. I received a parking ticket from a town I’ve never been in. Trying to get someone in that town to understand was impossible. It was handed out to collections who enjoyed calling me for YEARS afterward.. Finally fell off my credit report after 8 or 9 years.

  4. I lived 350 miles south of Chicago.
    For months I received city of chicago parking citations by mail for numerous days for months. Altogether maybe 30+ parking Tickets.

    After weeks of phone calls the bureaucratic machine got the picture and had confirmed I did not park my vehicle on Chicago streets.

    I’m sure the Chicago machine has made $Millions on the citation scam.

  5. Many years ago I had a car stolen by a gang from another city who would come to the city where I lived and steal cars. I filed a police report and waited. Eventually the car turned up abandoned in the other city with the engine seized up because the thieves had broken the oil pan while joyriding, and it was a total loss. Insurance paid off on the theft, I got another car, and I thought I was done with it. Around three years later I got a letter from the other city informing me that I needed to pay them several hundred dollars worth of accumulated fines, towing charges, and illegal parking fees for the abandoned car. I was forced to pay my city for a copy of the police report to send them, otherwise I would have been held responsible for the charges. Talk about insult to injury.

  6. The headline further down the from page seemed like a good one to point out here:

    “Mark Zuckerberg wants to use artificial intelligence to ban ‘hate speech,’ what could go wrong?”

    Related to the subject: I have read a couple of times that when red light cameras are installed, the length of the yellow is reduced.

  7. my post college age son lives in New Orleans. He occasionally gets those fines mailed to our house where his car is still registered. He has firmly instructed me to throw them in the trash. The camera tickets are issued by an out of state for profit corporation and they absolutely cannot enforce the fine. They can threaten you but that is the totality of their ability to collect the fine. At least in New Orleans and most people in there know it and deal with it accordingly.

  8. MD gives camera-tickets to people who stopped slightly over the line as “running the red light” even though they stopped! And if you were conscientious enough to try to back up, you got TWO!

    Corruption at its finest. The pols are getting rich off pushing this scam on their communities – and the sheeple are too fukkin cowed to destroy them.

    Put on an Obola mask, get a can of black rubberized paint attached to a stick, and paint over the face of the contrivance – presto!

    But no, poor fukkin Marylanders are too slow.

    izlamo delenda est …

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