66% of Millennials Don’t Know What Auschwitz Was – But We Should Listen To Them To Shape the Future – IOTW Report

66% of Millennials Don’t Know What Auschwitz Was – But We Should Listen To Them To Shape the Future

2/3rds of “the most educated generation the world has ever seen” don’t know what Auschwitz was.

Millennials probably think it’s an “assault rifle” used by a weirdo loner kid, medicated to the gills on anti-depressants, at a “mass shooting,” one that needs to be banned in order to stop all of the MASSIVE KILLING, the likes of which the world has never seen!

Wanna see what a mass shooting looks like?

Here, take a look-

Notice no one is shooting back. Notice who has all the guns.

Please educate yourselves.

Image – FDR in Hell

24 Comments on 66% of Millennials Don’t Know What Auschwitz Was – But We Should Listen To Them To Shape the Future

  1. Nice image FDR. HAHAHA

    Half wits don’t know Auschwitz? Discussion of socialist mass murder has been squelched by our own socialists that run our miseducation system.

    We can’t let the kids know what’s in store.

  2. So? The drones not being able to bounce like Drinking Birds™, repeating the fables told by the Winning™ collectivists about the losing collectivists, is a Bad™ thing? Hmm. You learn something new everyday. (hopefully)

  3. I had a college professor that was one of the first under the wire at Dachau. He was a high school graduate and had some college so they kept him there to be a records researcher/historian. The class lectures were spellbinding to those of us that knew and wanted to learn about that history…..Then there was Arnold Klein, a sales manager who trained me in sales. He had the tattoo from Auschwitz…..your ears have to be open….you have to want to know….

  4. Kiddies (mr attention hogg). Auschwitz. That is the result of a socialist(Nazi TYRANT)taking control of a country; disarming the citizenry; then deciding the people you disagree with should die.

  5. @Durka durka April 12, 2018 at 3:34 pm

    Why the constant need to focus on the holocaust?

    Because it was special!None of the camps before, none of the camps since, can ever be as special, as those magical camps were.

    Same for the reprisal show trils. Same for the lootingoccupation. Same as it ever is.

  6. Tonight the school my grandson goes to is having a survivor from Bergen-Belsen speak of the holocaust. He will be there. The lady speaking is named Elena Geller, I’m wonder if there is a connection to Pamela Geller.

  7. Our grandsons went through high school studying The Color Purple and similar books. I asked about Faulkner, Steinbeck, Hardy.


    Same for other topics — math, history, composition. I am so do for them. Their school years have been wasted.

    They are a lost generation.

    How in the world will they develop maturity. How will they support themselves and a family?

  8. 66%!?! Now I’m outraged. But these days what else is new? I have been reading each chapter of my daughter’s AP history classes. Last year it was European and WWI & II were covered passably. This year is US history. Each chapter has whole sections on minorities, women and when possible gays. This of course takes space and when it came to WWI the Holocaust got less than 3 paragraphs. The chapter before gave the whole title page to Margret Singer.

    Doc nailed it- its indoctrination pure and simple. Not my daughter. Benefits of having a dad who was a history major who loves truth more that party agenda.

  9. What Millennials Don’t Know about History has been offset by selfies, global warming, BLM, Gay Rights, Socialism, One World Government, Masturbation, Anal Sex, Pedophilia, Abortion Rights, Solar Power, Acceptance of Perversion, White Privilege, Gun Control and an out dated Constitution written by slave owning, white Europeans who illegally immigrated to America.

    Thank you government for establishing a Department of Education at the Federal Level.

  10. @Anonymous

    “@Durka durka April 12, 2018 at 3:34 pm

    Why the constant need to focus on the holocaust?

    Because it was special!None of the camps before, none of the camps since, can ever be as special, as those magical camps were.

    Same for the reprisal show trils. Same for the lootingoccupation. Same as it ever is.”

    I hope that was sarcasm. The Holdomor, Mao’s revolution, and the Khmer Rouge made Hitler look like an amateur.

    I guess jews matter more than whites and asians.

  11. Durka Durka

    Christians and Jews are of different hues from White, everything in between, to Black and from all races from around the world.

    One thing we share is Persecution and attempted Annihilation by those who do not believe as we do.

    All genocide must be remembered and condemned including what’s happening now in the middle east and over the last 1400 years.

    Don’t forget the Armenians, from 1915 to 1920 1.5 Million Armenians were slaughtered or starved by Turkey to exterminate an entire people.

    Unfortunately Genocide is part of World History and societies appear to allow it whether in Cambodia, Cuba, Russia, Africa, China, Middle East countries, Europe or the US.

  12. And “teachers” are gonna strike for mo’money?

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha …

    And the pols take it seriously?

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha …

    Then they’re probably not aware that Hitler learned that particular trick from Stalin?

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha …

    Man, we are SO fucked!

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Let’s not forget, Obama didn’t know about Auschwitz, as he claimed that his uncle helped liberate Auschwitz. The fact of the matter is, no American was within 600 miles of Auschwitz when it was liberated.

    What’s more, NOBODY working on Obama’s campaign knew this fact either, as no one who heard it at the time tried to correct him.

    On the other hand, I knew that little factoid when I was ten years old


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