Night of terror for Christians in Cyprus after attack of Muslim migrants – IOTW Report

Night of terror for Christians in Cyprus after attack of Muslim migrants

Geller Report:What had the Christians done to “provoke” the Muslim migrants? Absolutely nothing. The migrants attacked them for the crime of being Christian. This is the future of Europe, as well as of Canada and the U.S., if the left gets its way and we continue to be inundated with Muslim migrants. There is no reason to believe they will behave differently here from how they have behaved everywhere else. President Trump is trying to stop the migrant flow, and is excoriated as a “racist” and “bigot.” This story shows the reality.

“Night of terror for Christians in Cyprus after attack of Muslim migrants,” Voice of Europe, April 7, 2018:

Wednesday night, about 20 Muslim migrants attacked a Christian congregation outside St. Mary’s church during the holy liturgy in Leukosia, Greece’s Pronews reports.

Most of the Christians were inside the church when 20 Muslims suddenly arrived at the temple’s yard and began screaming, cursing, and beating the attendees.  more

12 Comments on Night of terror for Christians in Cyprus after attack of Muslim migrants

  1. First the Jews were fleeing Europe now the Christians will follow. The smoldering hatred for Jews has been there for centuries beneath the surface and bubbles up every few decades. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it was one of the reasons why those in power insist on flooding their countries with these Muslim savages.

  2. Christians and Jews will never coexist with Islam. It goes all the way back to Abraham and to Ishmael and Isaac, Isaac was the child of the promise while Ishmael was the child of compromise when Abraham had sex with his handmaiden to produce a son. Sorry muzzies, we have grace and mercy on our side, all you have is hate for those who don’t believe in your false prophet Mohammed. You don’t have squat and everyone but dumbass liberals and those who deny God knows it.

  3. What a nightmare Europe has become. When the next war happens, and it will, I hope we do not have to defend these nations that allowed these savage mohammedans into their country.

  4. Why should we have to sacrifice a younger generation once again to fight another war in Europe? Weren’t World Wars 1 and 2 enough? Next time let them fight their own damned war. And this time I don’t think the snowflake generation will fight like their grandparents and great grandparents to win. We lost that (unfortunately) when we caved in on Korea and paticularly Vietnam with the worst generation and I’m one of the them the dumbass baby boomers.

  5. So… Believing The Party’s “accountants” (Oh, hush!):

    Half the people are Party members.

    More than half of the remainder agree with The Party’s goals, they just disagree with the process to achieve those goals.

    Less than half of that remainder are willing to do anything, other than complain on Party platforms how unhappy they are.

    And, then, there’s me.

    Hmm. Carry the one. Move the decimal.

    “Welcome New Americans!”

    (They might actually do some work — STEM “work”, as opposed to CoC “work”. I’m going back to bed. The odds are better I’ll wake up safer if New Americans are doing the work “patriots” won’t, than if The Party continues )


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