Another Reason To Hate ABC News (as if we need more) – IOTW Report

Another Reason To Hate ABC News (as if we need more)

Remember this college student? This is the photo that triggered snowflake imbeciles across the nation. The same people who are so into “choice” hate that this woman has chosen to conceal carry in order to protect herself from, well, let’s face it, democrat voters.

When some prig realized where this girl was standing, they tweeted out that it was a museum and that it was illegal for her to have a gun on the premises.

ABC News saw the tweet and CONTACTED THE POLICE!!!!

That’s right, the media was leading the charge to have a woman arrested. This is the same media that doesn’t publish what a perp at large looks like if they are black, Muslim or Hispanic, in essence aiding and abetting the criminal.

This is the same media that sided with the illegal that shot Katie Steinle and peddled the story that he found the gun in a paper bag and it just went off, killing a girl not unlike the one pictured above.




17 Comments on Another Reason To Hate ABC News (as if we need more)

  1. I saw some tweets about this; ABC said it was ‘going viral’, yet the handful of people who had commented negatively on it at the time had numbers of followers in the single digits. In other words ABC created the controversy – it did not exist until they made it so.
    Surprised? Of course not.

  2. The museum wasn’t posted as no weapons allowed. The law is the same here in Ohio. Clearly written signs prominently posted before you enter a building. Even if you do enter a building with a concealed weapon and someone sees it the most they can do is ask you to leave or call the cops who will ask you to leave.
    Several buildings around here have illegal signs meaning they are posted inside the buildings and not on the entrance doors.

    Some were complaining the girl had the gun in her waist band. According to her statement she had a belly band.

  3. Homo pedophile faggot dwarf George Faganopholous is selling his Hamptons estate for 25 million. He should be on the top of the list of media criminals that need to be targeted and made examples of when the time comes. Its wonderful that the leftist homo extremists can not censor my comments here. They have to read it and weep.

  4. I’m so old I can remember when the rule for journalists was “You report the news, you don’t make the news.”

    I guess those days are over in the world of the New Media.

  5. I would have to use the “David Gregory defense” on this. We all know he illegally had possession of a 30 round magazine in DC totally illegal; displayed nationwide on TV. Now if I remember correctly he wasn’t charge with this crime not because he is journalistic elite status nooooo, but because “no law enforcement officer or official ‘actually witnessed’ (no cops were at the studio I guess) his illegal possession of a 30 round magazine.” Seeing it on TV doesn’t count.

    Since the cops weren’t there and didn’t see it, this should be a nothing burger


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