Who’s Next? – IOTW Report

Who’s Next?

Twitter terminates Sabo’s account.

Twitter users are asking, who’s next?


10 Comments on Who’s Next?

  1. The Twitter Kristallnacht will not be tweeted.

    And the rest of the conservatives on Twitter are up in arms that “The Good Germans” at Twitter won’t let that happen?

    Good luck with that.

  2. He’s on MeWe now. Meantime, he had his jeep stolen (now recovered) & asking for some funding to get it back on the road. If I were he, I’d find a knowledgeable friend to sweep it for trackers. I hope it’s an older un-hackable model.

  3. The Who, one of the greatest, and my personal favorite band of all time. Good stuff, thank God for YouTube. Their concerts were way before my time, so this is the only way I can see how fantastic they truly were.

    (My dad saw them during the US Quadrophena tour when he was 16, so he also saw Lynyrd Skynyrd as their opening act. So so jealous!)

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