College Sanctions “Whites Not Allowed” Pool Party – IOTW Report

College Sanctions “Whites Not Allowed” Pool Party

This college should lose its funding under Title VI.

Title VI states, “Schools and colleges that receive federal funds must operate without discriminating when it comes to race, color, and national origin.”


The three-hour use of Scripps’ Sallie Tiernan House Pool is aimed at the creation of “a safe space for 5C students that identify as POC to come together and build community,” and will be open to only students identifying as POC attending the Claremont Colleges, a consortium which also includes Pomona College, Claremont McKenna College, Pitzer College, and Harvey Mudd College.

Listen to this idiot student and his explanation as to why there was nothing wrong with this event-

The point of this event is to promote inclusivity and congeniality between ethnic minorities. Most POCs at any of the Claremont Colleges (which are historically PWIs (Predominantly White Institutions)) interact and enjoy interacting with people of all races (obviously including white people), but sometimes it’s nice to have a time to be with people who identify in the same or similar way that you do. And that’s also why no one is forced to come—if a POC identifies more with their white peers, they’re not forced to go to this party or any [racial affinity group] meetings. The fact that they’re holding this party after hours also shows that they’re consciously not taking away the right of their white peers to go to the pool on a hot day”.

What a friggin’ dope.

So there was nothing wrong with WHITE ONLY drinking fountains because “no one was forcing white people to drink from them.”

This is millennial logic meets POC leftist indoctrination. This is what we are up against. It is a powerful strain of stupid.


22 Comments on College Sanctions “Whites Not Allowed” Pool Party

  1. The Left is moving and pushing for a type of “white genocide” of Western Civilization. The goal is to reject anything that sustains this culture, even if it means imposing the very type of racial exclusionary policies that the civil rights movement fought against in the 60’s, especially if it can be used to create a coalition of miscreants that benefit their cultural Marxist goals.

  2. It is open to people who “identify as POC” OK, so a bunch of whites who identify as black need to go (Rachael Dolezal, Shaun King). This could be spectacularly fun to watch.

  3. Their anti-White Movement was started out of pure jealousy of White’s being Top of not only the I.Q chart,but also the More attractive Species in general.
    Not to mention White’s are also the most considerate Species !

  4. I don’t swim in public pools for obvious reasons. It’s bad enough I have to dry my hands on paper towels and wash my brand new clothes before wearing them.

  5. As an FYI….when it comes to the whole IQ chart thing…..Asians are on the top (as noted by a recent Black Pigeon Speaks video). I can stroll up the avenue a few miles to the local WalMart to witness the evolutionary decline of some of my fellow Northern European decedents. When I do post comments in relation to “white genocide” and Western Civilization, don’t take it as a green light to piggyback on my commentary with statements that would be be a mainstay at “White Power” rally in back woods Idaho.

  6. @ChristianPDX April 14, 2018 at 1:27 pm

    You’re safe in the hope of not having “your” “tools” misused. The supporters of “whiteness” are consistently so enamoured of “old timey ways” (which they now like to meme “Western civilization”, but used to be “new fangled madness” just before they were born) that they either deny simple math (not even rising to the level of “science”) related to their “problem”, or insist that they’d rather die (as well as the dream of their “progeny”) on their propaganda hill. Neither one’s going to jump on “your horse’s back” and ride it anywhere. Let alone find, let alone cross, some “finish line”.

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