Andrew McCabe Admonished FBI Officials For His OWN leaks – IOTW Report

Andrew McCabe Admonished FBI Officials For His OWN leaks

DC: As deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe “admonished” other FBI officials over leaks he himself authorized.

That’s one of the damning revelations the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General released in a Friday report.

“Crafty plan,” was how Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan described the McCabe revelation to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

McCabe berating other FBI officials over the leaks suggests he was “trying to cover his tracks,” House Judiciary Committee member Jordan said.

“Who does that?” Jordan asked rhetorically.

7 Comments on Andrew McCabe Admonished FBI Officials For His OWN leaks

  1. This is so bad that he ought to be named an enemy combatant and moved to Gitmo to live the rest of his life under a rock.

    Remember the TV show “Branded?” That’s how the rest of his life should go.

  2. “Who does that?”

    The entirety of the judicial branch. They even tell you that they do it to the peasants. They consider it part of their job. Part of The Rule of Law. Maybe you just don’t realize how much you reek of peasantry?


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