Comey’s Final Hour Reopening of the Hillary Investigation Was Designed To Legitimize Her Impending Presidential Win – IOTW Report

Comey’s Final Hour Reopening of the Hillary Investigation Was Designed To Legitimize Her Impending Presidential Win

Comey removes any doubt that he was a political actor as head of the FBI.


Daily Wire-

In a pre-recorded interview set to air on Sunday night on ABC News, former FBI Director James Comey revealed that he announced that he was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server in October 2017 because he assumed she would win the election and he did not want her to be viewed as an illegitimate president.

Speaking to ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, Comey said he hopes that his decision to reopen to the investigation was not the reason she lost the election.

“But at some level, wasn’t the decision to reveal influenced by your assumption that Hillary Clinton was going to win?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“It must have been. I don’t remember consciously thinking about that, but it must have been,” Comey responded. “Because I was operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump.”


16 Comments on Comey’s Final Hour Reopening of the Hillary Investigation Was Designed To Legitimize Her Impending Presidential Win

  1. “Because I was operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump.”
    They believed they had it rigged and it was foolproof. They were arrogantly confident. That’s why hitlery freaked when Trump won and didn’t come out of her drunken coma until the following morning.

  2. More proof that some of the most highly educated people with formal education are some of the dumbest dickheads you could ever meet. Comey is just another empty suit that fell and tripped his way to where he is mainly because he is a a corrupt thief.

    I hope he goes to jail. I have a very reliable source that says Comey is a closet homosexual and they used that many times to keep him in line. He is petrified they would reveal it. I hope that True Pundit does a story on him being gay, they have multiple sources that can verify it and are not afraid of being sued for slander.

    Oddly, I learned that accusing a person of being a homo could be considered a tortious act and you could be sued for it. But no homo has ever sued me so I guess I’ve always been correct.

  3. Even Hillary supporters knew she was a slime ball, and all Comey did when he re-opened the investigation was remind her opponents to make sure to go to the polls. You aren’t supposed to overthink strategy; even Democrats knew they were trying to send a crook to the White House and there was nothing to “legitimize.”

    But, come to think of it, maybe Comey is providing a stupid excuse so Hillary won’t put a hit out on him – which gives the lie to the claim that Hillary is really “legitimate.”

  4. This is hilarious (no pun intended) because for a while there Hillary was blaming her election loss solely on Comey’s re-opening of the investigation.

    That was before she got around to blaming it on the Russians and most of the rest of the Western world, of course.

  5. Comey talks too much. He ran his mouth ragged in his fulsome exoneration of Hillary. He should have just shut up for another week or two about her case reopening. He could have announced it after she lost (she’d have lost anyway) but he had some moral preening to do. Then, he wrote his private memos, but he just had to talk about them, and now they’re going to bite him in the ass. Also, his horrendous twittarrhea is beyond pathetic, and he just wrote his own perjury trap book. I would tell him to dn ʞɔnɟ ǝɥʇ ʇnɥS but it’s far too late for that.

  6. What a jerk. Doing the right thing for the wrong reason. Although I doubt it will happen, I hope the DOJ hangs him with some of the things he alleges in his book.

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