Starbucks Plans To Shut All Stores Next Month For One Day To Conduct “Racial Sensitivity Training” For All Employees – IOTW Report

Starbucks Plans To Shut All Stores Next Month For One Day To Conduct “Racial Sensitivity Training” For All Employees

Is this a class to teach everyone which race is most sensitive? Because it’s a toss up. It’s definitely not the Japanese or Chinese. It’s not caucasians. It’s either blacks or latinos.

Oh, that’s not what they meant?

I guess what they mean by “racial sensitivity training” is that “people of color” will have special privileges. The employees will be taught to stop and rethink any action if it involves anyone other than a white person, and that is simply sad. It’s unnecessarily divisive and creates an air of paranoia between humans.

Can’t there be any incident between whites and minorities that isn’t blamed on racism?

(Prediction – A white pitcher will hit a black batter in baseball this year and it will be blamed on racism.)


The training will be provided to more than 175,000 employees across the country on Tuesday, May 29, led by nationally recognized efforts, and will become part of new protocols for new employees, company officials announced on Tuesday.

The two men arrested at the Philadelphia location were arrested after sitting in the store without buying anything and refusing to leave, prompting their arrest. It has led to backlash for Starbucks, making national news and leading to several protests at several locations.

“I’ve spent the last few days in Philadelphia with my leadership team listening to the community, learning what we did wrong and the steps we need to take to fix it,” Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson said in a statement released on Tuesday.

“While this is not limited to Starbucks, we’re committed to being a part of the solution. Closing our stores for racial bias training is just one step in a journey that requires dedication from every level of our company and partnerships in our local communities.”


ht/ marezilla




50 Comments on Starbucks Plans To Shut All Stores Next Month For One Day To Conduct “Racial Sensitivity Training” For All Employees

  1. Can’t make this crap up: Starbucks is hiring Eric “my people” Holder.

    Starbucks says the training will be developed with guidance from experts including former Attorney General Eric Holder.

    Sherrilyn Ifill, the president of the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, and Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, will also help design the program, as will executives from the Equal Justice Initiative and Demos, the progressive think tank.

  2. Have we reached peak stupidity yet?
    I predict “get woke go broke” will happen to Starbucks when non-blacks catch on that they will not enjoy going to Starbucks after black privilege is official policy.

  3. Just once i’d like to see a CEO stand up and say yeah, we threw out 2 people for loitering, their skin color wasn’t even a factor. And we’d do it again. We aren’t in business to have people come in and sit around or use our free internet and toilets if they aren’t customers. And who doesn’t just leave if someone asks you to?! You don’t have the right to demand to stay in a business if they don’t want you there. I already don’t go to Starbucks but it is stuff like this that reminds me to never bend on that rule.

  4. Starbucks proves why it doesn’t pay one bit to be a white and progressive. Blactivists are lying motherfuckers who stab you in the back every chance they get. They hate you ‘cuz you’re white… dumbasses.

  5. “We will learn from our mistakes and reaffirm our commitment to creating a safe and welcoming environment for every customer.”
    Key word – CUSTOMER. Are you a customer if you aren’t buying anything? Or just considered a customer if you aren’t buying anything but fit a minority, LBGTQ whatever or some other liberal recognized minority group.

  6. Did you know that fed gov closed yesterday for emancipation day? February is black history month. We just had a day of mourning on the annoyversary of the death of MLK.

    Then today we’re introduced to black female day.
    I’m sorry. Juneteenth is coming. When does it end?

    Yeah. Never.

    When do we celebrate black achievement day?
    I mean real success.

    But. Tear down the monuments.

  7. Want a laugh? Google “American Inventors” 5 of the 6 images that first appear on your screen are black.

    I assume that after Starbutts has their seminar, their stores will have a two-tiered customer service policy: Whites will not be allowed to loiter, but blacks can hang out all day without buying anything.

  8. They supposedly fired the manager (yet to be verified). No one has yet mentioned that this could be a case of misogyny. Had the manager been a man instead of a woman, would they have obeyed his authority? Could it be that they felt that a woman did not have the right to tell them what to do? How often do we hear stories about men not respecting women in power?
    I am sure that in the SJW handbook, there is some pecking order of who gets to play the victim when and where. I think that black, disabled trans/lesbian with a support hamster trumps all, but if two white males had decided to hang, not order and refuse to obey the directions of a POC female, we would hear the screams of ‘white privilege” and “patriarchy” all day long. I bet a caramel frappuccino with extra caramel that the two white guys would leave when the cops asked three times to do so.

    I am looking forward to the throngs of people who are now going to hang out at Starbucks just to test out the new training skills of the employees to see how far they can push things.

    As I said in a previous post. The young bangers here in Portland love hanging at Starbucks in the summer evenings to charge their phones, order ice water and pilfer the phones and laptops of paying customers. Now they will have a corporate blessing to do so in the future.

  9. Is this where they tell black employees to pull up their pants or where they tell hipster employees to wear saggy pants? Can’t we just find a happy median, say… normal?

  10. Y know Beave, I can vividly remember my life before I wuz a racist, White supremacist, misogynistic iSlamophobe, not to mention a sexist, xenophobe, homophobe and Capitalist pig just wallowing around trying to make a life for me and my family without expecting anything from Uncle Sucker because my ‘White Privilege’ doesn’t allow me the ability to function consistently at a mediocre level!

    Geeezzzzus Wally…. I’m about ready to hop on the next outbound Intergalactic Mindfuck Express if I hear any more about this shit!

    Lemme know when it arrives Beave and I’ll join ya!

  11. It’s a good thing that blacks never act rudely toward whites or glare with raw hatred in their eyes or ever lie about racial slights, or else the’d have to participate. They’d also have to start being held accountable to the standards others are expected to live by.

  12. Forced into miming “Seppuku”
    to get the race hustler’s
    calmed down won’t work. Only
    MONEY and lots of it will buy
    a moments peace til next time.
    I love it when the Left gets
    eaten by the piranhas it trained.

  13. Your mission Jim, should you choose to accept it, is for your team to acquire Lawn Jockeys and install them in front of Starbucks in your area in the early morning hours of May 29. As always, should you or any of your Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim.

  14. It would be interesting to see what would happen if a business posted the following sign on their door:

    “We don’t care what color you are.”

    I would bet that someone would take offense and it would become a national news story about “racial insensitivity.”

  15. That manager that has either been fired or soon will be…has any news outlet given her side? Maybe she was just following corporate policy in telling non-buying customers to leave if they are not going to buy, and they are not allowed to use the facilities if they don’t buy anything.

    What happened to the signs we used to see in windows saying: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”. Or the one that said: “No shoes, no shirt, no service”.

    The liberal shit gets more outrageous by the day. Just a few short years ago, my feeling was more like: Liberals are just silly people cranked out by the universities…they’ll outgrow it sooner or later. Now, my former live and let live attitude has turned to sheer hatred.

  16. Those guys claimed they were waiting for someone? Who would wait around without buying a coffee?

    I think the whole thing was planned out beforehand, and Starbucks reacted the expected way – they gave in without a whimper.

  17. The other part of the story the MSM avoided was revealed by the former manager. Starbucks had a zero tolerance policy for those entering without buying in the central Philly area. See the Blaze for confirmation. Starbucks not as innocent as they claim! No surprise there.

  18. After their training it would be interesting to get a group of black guys to go in there without buying anything see what happens, then white guys on a separate day do the same thing?
    BTW, What’s up with the white girl on the coffee cup, if ever there was a cost of burn a Starbucks down these people need to get busy?

  19. I can guess the training. They will be explain corporate conduct policy, and given a copy to study. Told it is to be enforced on white customers, but nothing in it applies to any other race.

  20. Most important point about racial sensitivity

    Always make sure your rectum is sufficiently pre stretched before any encounter with any racial minority.

    That way there’ll be minimal time wasted bending you over and ramming it in so that they can tap your descending colon. It also minimizes sensations of pain which can lead to moaning which sometimes distresses the oppressed minority

  21. Does that include black employees being trained to be racially sensitive concerning whites? Thought not. The leftist liberal loonies and their cohorts in the Race industry make sure that whitey remains the sole, evil moustache-twiddling perpetrator of racism – and the anti-white racists and self haters will use any trick in the book to make sure it stays that way.

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