Sign on Window of a Walmart – IOTW Report

Sign on Window of a Walmart

This sign is necessary??

You’re kidding me.

26 Comments on Sign on Window of a Walmart

  1. I didn’t take this pic, but this sign is up on the door at my local Wal-Mart:

  2. Id like to bring Larry to the Walmart near JFK Airport in NY. A normal human being will only make that mistake one time. Very few white people were in the place, and the ones that were looked either very scared or were wearing Vietnam Veteran hats and leather vests and carrying knives…

    The savagery of the animals in this place looked like something from the tv show Wild Kingdom. You see more docile behavior in a zoo cage. They were throwing items off the shelves for fun and laughing hystericaly. I saw at least three fist fights. I saw an animal rip open a a bag of doritos and shove a giant paw full of chips in her mouth and then run the paw full of cheese dust over its shiny hair. I saw another animal give its cub a 2 litre bottle of grape soda to chug from and then just put it back on the shelf. Standing on line we saw a drug deal go down and an about 75 year old Aunt Jemimah looking grandmother of about 60 grandkids tell the cashier she would slice her throat and have her daughter kick her ass when she got out of work if she didnt change the price on her Captain Crunch that was on sale.

    Oh, by the way, yes… these were all black people. It is a dangerous area. It looked like a video from 1950s Zimbabwe. They had 3 armed guards at the exit.

    I would move into and live in a “White trash mart”, as Larry the whacko says, before I ever again would shop in one where those animals live. They are subhuman. I cant imagine how any Cop just does not walk around with a machine gun pointed and ready to go when around these unpredictable zoo creatures.

  3. Yes, that sign is at my local Wal-Mart. In addition, there is a second sign above where the carts are parked that says, “Forget something? Check on your child.” or something like that.

    Remember when advertisers bought space on the cart where the kid gets strapped in? I’ve seen stores “advertise” forgotten children here.

    Understand I’m on the outskirts of free flowing welfare. Between hitting the crack pipe it’s easy to forget how many children should be following you around.

  4. our walmart has a sign on the exit door, telling us to check to make sure we haven’t left the kid in the cart……

    your brain is 70% cholesterol……the gummint says cholesterol is bad…..the doctor gives you pills to lower your cholesterol….

    ……stoopies are easier to control…..

    ……seeing a trend here?

  5. It’s the smart phones man. They have taken over peoples minds. The biggest scourge this country has ever had to face. Outlaw smart phones, outlaw smart phones. Come on , everybody say it with me. Hold on a second I just got a text I gotta read right now.

  6. Too bad the intended audience won’t (can’t?) READ.

    There are too many stupid f’ng signs EVERYWHERE ! And they do nothing!
    “Turn at intersection” “Stop at upcoming STOP sign”
    “Don’t run over school children in the crosswalk”

  7. I went to our local Wally World this morning to pick up a few things and sure enough that sign was in the entrance door. My Wally World is OK for the most part as long as you don’t shop around the first of the month, later in the day or on weekends. The one in Yakima, Wa. is notorious for being beaner central. And there is a Walmart just off 1-90 in Smelterville, Id. that’s probably a fairly safe one since it’s in the middle of nowhere with mostly white customers. It’s also built over the site where the old smelter was for the Bunker Hill mines which might mean it could be toxic.

  8. The best Walmart I ever shopped in was in Newport News, Virginia. Clean and well lit and chock full of uniformed service members day and night. Nobody made any trouble there. It was wonderful.

    It was also right next to the airport where Air Force 1 pilots practiced take-offs and landings. I was in the parking lot one day and heard a big plane coming in, turned around and there was Air Force 1 hanging in the blue sky above my head, close enough to see the pilots. I felt like I could have touched it. Beautiful! The only time I saw that while we lived there. That was amazing.


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