Obamacare is administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid which is currently headed by Trump appointee, Semma Verma. Well educated in healthcare policy, Verma founded a consulting firm, SVC, Inc. that attempted to help states get around Obamacare and provide rational insurance options for residences.
But don’t take my word on how effective she as the head of a big intrusive government social welfare program. The LA Times ran a scathing piece about how this chief administrator is taking a “hatchet” to Obamacare. Here
Sounds like a pickup line: “Hi, Honey – would you like to see ma verma?”
I just posted a breaking news article. Mexico announced that Mexico will pay for all the wall in the USA. I’m jumping happy mother fuc know not to fuc with trump
How Trump’s Obamacare administrator is taking a hatchet to Obamacare
Hatchet, hell she should be using a big damn chainsaw.
She isn’t killing chickens or splitting kindling.
Can they just make it so open-market coverage is available? Please? I’m still stuck with a high-priced 0-care piece of crap.
I’m glad SOMEONE is taking a hatchet to Obamacare, since congress reneged on their promise to do so!
Seema Verma – She Must Be Good, The LA Times Hates Her
I felt the same way about Alex Jones when I saw the NY daily news cover this morning