Now THIS is Agitprop – Fake Free Starbucks Coffee Coupons For Black People – IOTW Report

Now THIS is Agitprop – Fake Free Starbucks Coffee Coupons For Black People

The “scamps” who created these our glorious bastids.

Someone made and circulated Starbuck’s coupons for “Free Coffee For African Americans.”

It’s all part of their sensitivity training program.

HT/ JD Hasty


59 Comments on Now THIS is Agitprop – Fake Free Starbucks Coffee Coupons For Black People

  1. This shit is insane. Starbucks is run/owned by pansey assed pussies. No one was allowed to use the restroom without being a paying customer regardless of color for fucks sake. I hope starbucks becomes a haven for the homeless now. Sleep on their tables, and shit on the floor…couldn’t happen to a nastier company.

  2. no one to blame but themselves … they basically admitted they did something wrong by throwing out 2 squatters (set-ups) & further compounded their ‘thought guilt’ by having all their US employees take ‘bend over to Blacks’ lessons … what? they only kick out black squatters?

    Starbucks’ might as well rename themselves BlackBuck’s, ’cause now they’re just going to be a wrinkled Starfish for BLM & any other hate group that wants a shakedown … the amount of future Homeless people squatting in StarBlacks is going to exponentially grow …. dumb asses did it to themselves

  3. @Molon Labe — You must be subscribed to IOTWReport Prime, ’cause I don’t have no edit button. Wah! That’s racist, I think.

    SBUX sucks! What’s his name, the CEO, Shultz-y, can take his overpriced, over-roasted gourmet coffee desserts and pound sand.

  4. How about native American heritage folks? Or the Black Irish from the West coast of Ireland? Soo phucking demeaning to all people of color, like saying to them, look, we know you’re broke, unemployable, lazy, and useless, so we rich white motherfuckers will give you free coffee. We apologize for making billions on the shit we sell. I just hope McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts don’t start this crap. Both of whom have better coffee than Starsucks. Hell the Army had better coffee than Starsucks. My opinion
    Decent Blacks should feel insulted. Damn, what’s this country coming to? I still say Starsucks should be kicked out of all VA facilities.

  5. Does anyone have a QR code reader to check what snarkiness is locked inside that little black and white square?

    I’m guessing they’ll come out with a SJW themed cup design and the proceeds will go to a SJW non profit or the Democrat party.

  6. Tried that swill once when Clinton was President to see what all the hub bub was about. It was the worst tasting crap we ever tasted (well, maybe not as bad as Red Bull, but it was bad). Never tried it again.

  7. I hate Starfuck coffee so I wouldn’t go out of my way to step foot in a Starbutts. There’s one here in town that’s fairly new, but Dutch Brother’s drive through is always backed up. I drink 2 cups of coffee in my house in the morning and that’s it for me for the day. I don’t fork over big bucks for a raunchy tasting coffee.

  8. I’m serious. Pay attention. There is a Starbucks in the three Veterans Hospitals I visit. Castle Point, Montrose, and Bronx VA, New York. If Starbucks wants to give free coffee to mack daddy’s, junkies, junk dealers, progs, and other vermin, then their coffee should be free to those vets riding around in wheel chairs in the corridors of these hospitals: “The armless, the legless, the blind, the insane.” I rest my case. Phuck Starbucks, phony bastards!

  9. No coupon needed. Just walk your black ass up to the counter – hell, break line while you’re at it – and look at them with your hand out pantomiming holding a cup. “Fill it with *******”

    It’s a double dog dare.

    They’ll do it. The company may be nearing it’s end or becoming some reparations-r-us joint. No ship can survive a stupid incapable Captain when an experienced capable one is needed. This ship is letting the waves determine it’s course.

  10. Moe, McDonald’s and Dunkin have barely acceptable drip coffee. Its alright if that’s what you want. At least poor old Starbucks can still make espresso. There is a difference.

  11. @pbird: we make our own expresso. Like it with a smidgen of Irish whiskey. In Italy I used to have it with grappa. That’s a real waker upper. That aside, Starbucks coffee is not my cup of tea. To me, it sucks. But the politically correct attitude of Starbucks management sucks more. I’m an equal opportunity coffee drinker, I like dunkin donuts, 7/11, and McDonalds; even the local deli has better coffee than that Starbuck mud. As I said before, even the Army coffee, which really sucked, was better than S/bucks. But that’s just me. If Starbuck are going to close all their stores to observe American Racism, then fuckem. I hope no American ever returns. The only racism I see in America is on TV, and on the news. These liberal “newsmakers” want it that way. Fuck them too.

  12. In the good old days, you needed a Jessie Jackson to shake-down a national chain. Now a days, any brother with a smart phone can do it. Jessie might have to get a legit job now.

  13. pbird this is iOTW not Motus.
    I live in Seattle.
    We take no prisoners here. (At iOTW)
    Starbucks will rue the day they caved on this, It will cost them.
    I for one will print off the coupon and give it to them and demand my free coffee, as a white black man.

  14. pbird I hope you’re not a man of the cloth, I’ve not encountered you before, if you are, please excuse my French. I’m usually used to dealing with these “deplorables” at IOTW who are, for the most part pretty thick skinned.
    Goeff, just saw your post. This edit thing is great. Thanks BFH.

  15. They could give away 7/8 of their product and not lose a penny.
    Overpriced shit – a can of coffee costs $7 and the cups are probably 3 cents apiece – so the profit margin (outside of paying the fart-sniffing “baristas”) is on the order of 5,000%.

    They’ll laugh all the way to the bank.

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. Starbucks used to sell Blonde beans ( ones that aren’t roasted within an inch of their lives). Will they pull the Blonde Roast off the shelves because of white privilege?

  17. eternal cracker p April 18, 2018 at 8:14 pm

    What happened to the skinny jeaned faggots paying it forward to the next lunatic standing in line?

    They got screwed in the end so to speak. Nothing came back at them.

  18. Goldenfoxx

    Jeez I gotta tell you this story. I frequent Starbucks for reasons explained on another thread. So there’s a couple of these guys I know are flaming. The worst offender is huge with the gay lisp and the very weak wrist. One morning I’m pulling up in line and notice this hot tight bodied little blond talking to the main queen. They kiss good by, and he says, “Love you babe, see you tonight”. I gotts no answer.

    PS, the hot blond was a girl.

  19. Moe I hate drive by comments, stay around and fight. (Not you)
    pbird is a good egg, I have read many of her comments at MOTUS, They just need to get out side of there comfort zone if they come over here. srdem65 also comments here.
    MOTUS AD is one of the best blogs on the web, and there commenters are top notch, just different then us, a tight knit group that is full of insight on the world.
    Janice the Elder, Creeper, Motus, Rockteride,SOS,and many others would fit right in here.
    A must read every day.

  20. I can thank the Army for teaching me* to like my coffee like Bad Brad likes his women –
    hot, black, and strong**.

    (* – Most of the times in country you couldn’t get cream or sugar, so if you needed caffeine…)

    (** – Just kidding, BB, unless I accidentally happened to be right.)


  21. Wait!!!!! What! What the h*** is wrong with Starbucks! This is way too racism! I think the decent and moderate black people should not go for it. It is the time to kick starbucks’ ass now! So disappointing!

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