Effingham County, IL Votes to Uphold 2nd Amendment – IOTW Report

Effingham County, IL Votes to Uphold 2nd Amendment

CFL: Effingham County, Illinois now considers itself a “sanctuary for gun owners” after they voted 8-1 to adopt a resolution that requires county employees NOT to enforce any state law that restricts the Second Amendment. There are numerous bills in the Illinois legislation regarding gun control at this time, as we have previously reported. And the mere mention of being a “sanctuary” for gun owners has some of their constituents in a huff.

Unfortunately, a “resolution” doesn’t have the weight of an ordinance behind it, so it is actually more “symbolic.”

According to the Effington Daily News,

“Sheriff Dave Mahon agreed that it was a county board decision and would not control his office. 

Mahon said that if such a potentially unconstitutional law were to be passed by the state, he would consult with the state’s attorney and the legal counsel of the Illinois Sheriff’s Association before deciding what actions to take…MORE

13 Comments on Effingham County, IL Votes to Uphold 2nd Amendment

  1. ““Sheriff Dave Mahon agreed that it was a county board decision and would not control his office. ”

    As I understand it, the Sheriff authority in his county supersedes that of any state or federal authority. I’m pretty sure that is accurate because our Sheriff stripped the Department of Forestry of any enforcement privileges. Sounds like Effingham County needs a new Sheriff.

  2. @Bad_Brad… Sheriff Mahon is a friend of mine. He does a good job and can be trusted to uphold the Constitution. Also, the article incorrectly states that the measure was controversial in the county. It is not. A handful of local Democrats are pissed, but everyone else supports it. Neighboring counties are passing similar resolutions. I live in Effingham County, and I know all the county board members. The lone democrat who voted against the resolution is not the sharpest pencil in the desk, but she’s not your typical screeching leftist, just misinformed and out of touch with the majority of people living here.

  3. BB
    “As I understand it, the Sheriff authority in his county supersedes that of any state or federal authority.”
    The county sheriffs are the highest ELECTED LE in the land. They can legally block the Feds from coming into their county (as I understand it). It’s only when they become a POLICE force ( unfortunately in my county) that they become subservient to the whim of the state or the feds.

  4. We’re fast becoming a country where there are no laws common to any place. Step inside the city limits or over the county line and suddenly you’re in a communist-occupied war zone where you have no idea which laws are to be obeyed and which to be ignored.


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