Hang Onto Your Chair – ABSOLUTE SHOCKER- Comey Says He’s Not a Republican – IOTW Report

Hang Onto Your Chair – ABSOLUTE SHOCKER- Comey Says He’s Not a Republican

Nooooooo. I don’t believe it. We were told he was a republican by people like Chris Cuomhole, and why would we have any reason to not believe those other “people of integrity”?

Comey also went on to say the only person he admires in the republican party is Mitt Romney!!!

This is like when the guy in the closet thinks women like Kathy Griffin, Madonna and Cher are hot. You see, they don’t know what heterosexual men like. This is why the “republican” James Comey likes Mitt Romney. He can longer identify an actual right-winger any more than Barack Obama can pick out a hot woman.



22 Comments on Hang Onto Your Chair – ABSOLUTE SHOCKER- Comey Says He’s Not a Republican

  1. Joe Dan posted this quote yesterday. When I read it, I could not believe this was in a book supposedly written by the former head of the freaking FBI.
    “My heart was racing. I was feeling slightly dizzy. But when I heard Bob Mueller’s tender words, I felt like crying” – this, long before Trump was on the horizon.
    You might be on to something, Meerkat.

  2. The presstitutes told us that Comey had the unimpeachable integrity of an eagle scout and that he was registered as a republican. We now know that was a lie on both accounts.

    The same presstitutes tell us that Bob Mueller is a man of unimpeachable integrity and that he too is a registered republican.

    Does anyone with a functioning brain cell believe this about Mueller at this point (like we were supposed to believe it about Comey)?

    These people and their ilk ARE the swamp that we elected Trump to drain. Godspeed to President Trump.

  3. A more honest statement would have mirrored Charlie in Fla. “I’m a GWB (after all he is the leftist who elevated me at the the FBI) Republican, I never have been and never will be a conservative!”

    For those who do not pay attention Charlie said about 13 years ago, while in the process of losing an election, “Im a Jeb Bush Republican!” Charlie has something the Bush Clan lacks – MORALS. He Admitted abut 12 years ago that a Bush Republican is merely a D in R clothing!

    As Ive said here many times the last few years GWB raised Comes because Comey hates Ronnie! He still hates Ronnie, now he is not as dishonest as the last 14 years.

  4. So does Barry think Mike is hot since the transition?
    He has the same size azz as Debbie Ramenhead and Barry said she was hot.

    Comey doesn’t peak my gaydar mainly because Patrice isn’t fat or have a huge azz, two thing beards are usually required to have.

    One of the many talents PDJT has is flushing out fakes, the morning schmoe is a great example. McStain would fall if he had to run for office again.

  5. Bubba’s Brother: I’m not following this story closely (or reading Comey’s version of it) but, if the presstitutes noted Comey as a ‘registered Republican,’ the lie was obvious: He lives in McLean, Virginia; you don’t register by party affiliation in Virginia.

  6. Comey is so lame, this not my party crap was played to death along with Trump’s hands, skin and hair in 2016 when George Will proudly renounced the GOP and left the party along with all the #neverTrump morons. All those people that preordered his stupid book and have been waiting breathlessly to see this guy’s bombshells must feel pretty deflated about now. He didn’t even last as long in the media as Wolff with his fictional BS.

  7. “He can longer identify an actual right-winger any more than Barack Obama can pick out a hot woman.”

    Love it.
    And who but a eunuch like Comey could marry that wife of his?
    If this entire circus wasn’t more degrading filth heaped onto my country, it all would be so ridiculously funny!

    But after the laughing ebbs, Comey deserves hard time in prison. If he doesn’t get that, we can raze all the purposeless halls of justice.

  8. ..I, uh, never even knew that he ever alleged to BE a right winger. I just assumed he was a Democrat because MOST of the idiots in charge during the Obama administration were.

  9. How many times do I have to repeat it, progressives are progressives first, last and always. D or R is only a matter of convenience to them, they choose that label with an eye toward what they think will sell. D or R has nothing to do with their underlying worldview or political ideology (that is if they even have one and are not total chameleons), it is only there because it part of their image.


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