No One is Looking- Tell the Truth – Do We Use Faux Outrage For Political Expediency? – IOTW Report

No One is Looking- Tell the Truth – Do We Use Faux Outrage For Political Expediency?

Steven Colbert is garbage truck juice. Any writer on his show is generally going to be garbage truck juice. And if I was ever to defend anyone over there it would be like a defense lawyer putting up a robust defense for a guy that is on video committing his crime in front of multiple credible witnesses.

So let’s lay this notion, please, to waste that I am somehow a cuck or whatever for defending a tweet that has a Colbert writer in hot water.

Is it ill-timed? Yes.

Is it career threatening? It shouldn’t be, but I wouldn’t mind if it was. And that’s the rub. This is a Colbert writer, the enemy. I would like nothing more than to see a tweet lead to ruination. But do I have to goose the outrage to get it done? Absolutely.

Is that wrong? It’s debatable.

Here’s the tweet-

RIP Barbara Bush, the only woman who was 92 for 30 years.

Full disclosure:

I was getting emails from OUR side that was pretty much variations on the same theme.

One of our scamps sent me a picture of Barbara Bush with her birthdate and deathdate underneath that read RIP. Only, it wasn’t Barbara Bush, it was the Quaker Oats guy.

Should I feel dirty secretly laughing about this tweet while I go on Twitter and call Spyra’s tweet “BEYOND THE PALE!!”?

Or is that how the game is played?

I know how it’s played, I just want to hear from you guys.


26 Comments on No One is Looking- Tell the Truth – Do We Use Faux Outrage For Political Expediency?

  1. There is a difference between a light hearted joke and an all out insane attack on an individual demonstrating how unstable and hateful you are as a person while also representing a university/business. Sad that we can’t distinguish between them.

  2. My son asked me 30 years ago, “Dad did you shoot Chinamen in the back?”. I said”Yes, had they the chance to shoot me in the back You would not be here!”! “All is fair in love and war”. The object as a kid from SoCal famously said 74 years ago “… is to make that other son of a whore give his life for his country!”! SoCal guys get it; or did 50 years ago!

    The idea is to win. America has been at war for 72 years. Only now are some waking up to the war. Does not mean it was not going on when the LSM ran their FAKE NEWS “Checkers” stories 69 years ago. Only means some were NOT PAYING ATTENTION!

  3. “And if I was ever to defend anyone over there it would be like …” putting a chainsaw to your penis.
    Why would any sane person do that?
    Why would anyone even watch Colbert?!
    For the comedy? yeah, sure

  4. Because of the reason Reiuxcat stated, I am staying away from this topic. I do not admire Barbara Bush, especially since she said her son Jeb was one of the greatest men she ever knew, but I am not going to dance up and down for joy at her passing. She doesn’t mean that much in the scheme of things.

    I think it’s pretty ironic that the left is trashing her like they’re finally rid of some bastion of conservative influence, and think they are hurting conservative’s feelings by being openly ecstatic that she’s dead, when she and her family are really on their side.

    But get back to me when Hillbag flys off to hell on her broomstick.

  5. Oh – and when I express outrage – it’s not fake for expediency – just to answer your actual question. I don’t really care what anyone says about B. Bush, I’m just not joining in.

  6. It’s one thing to laugh about something in private that is off color or in bad taste. It is quite another to write things that are supposed to be jokes that will broadcast on television and seen around the world.
    We all chuckle at things we know we shouldn’t but we don’t intentionally try to be hurtful.
    Colbert and his writers have no funny in them at all. They are losing viewers. They are desperate for attention and bad taste is the only thing those unfunny leftist jerks can come up with.

  7. The comments are what I expected- we have an objective view of ourselves that the left does not possess.

    Beachmom nailed it.
    I’m admitting I laughed at the Quaker Oats joke sent to me, but I know enough what should and should not be aired.

  8. Simple question: Who’s dragging xim out to the ditch?

    If it’s someone else that they also call enemy (along with me), then I can’t set him up.

    If it’s a mob of the true believers, then I can’t say “no” to ushering for the circular firing squad.

  9. remember watching late night tv the first year Bush was president and some comedian said Bush had the unmitigated gall to put his wife’s portrait on the $1 bill. i laughed, but i was a juvenile then, and she was above room temperature…

  10. I’ve always had a problem finding humor when it was inappropriate, don’t invite me to any funerals. Sorry but when you mentioned the Quaker Oats picture I burst out laughing. Truthfully I’ve always hated the Bush family one and all, they did a lot to bring us to our present situation in this country. I’m sympathetic toward their family at this time but I loathe the family none the less.

  11. How about we list things that actually outraged us?

    Just off the top of my head:

    “They (republicans) gonna put ya’ll BACK IN CHAINS.”

    Yep, that was extremely offensive to me, and should have doomed that cocksucker to the political trash bin.

  12. Unless it’s the death of a Hitler
    or Stalin we should leave the recently dead; and that includes the family, alone. For someone we hated the old
    Southern assessment of “Well bless their heart” or “They seemed like nice people” should suffice.

  13. My understanding was that Barbara Bush’s hair turned white due to the stress of caring for and losing her young daughter to Leukemia. So shouldn’t the full joke be: you know that woman who lost her daughter to Leukemia, well she looked 92 for thirty years.

    Of course, we could argue she could have dyed her hair and gotten plastic surgery to erase the signs of stress. Should people who have suffered hide the impact life takes on them to spare the feelings of strangers. I have never lost a child, but I think she earned the right to dismiss our preoccupation with looks.

  14. There is a lot of denigration that goes on here (and other places). All is fair in love and war, but for me, when somebody dies I always hope they made it thru the “narrow gate”. If they were evil (but we all are), then I am happy they are gone for the people they affected, but never happy that somebody actually goes to hell.

  15. I never much cared for any of the Bush family and just don’t much think about them, including ole Babs.

    I did cringe and felt personally hurt at the cruelty tossed at Maggie Thatcher when she died.

    Finally, on the third hand, when Hillary goes — be still my heart! — I might chug down the water to go and piss on her grave.

    I suppose it’s relative….? ….Lady in Red

  16. It was a potentially funny joke, I guess, but it was written badly. What a surprise.

    Yeah, we all know she looked older than George. I made the jokes, and I laughed, too.
    But here’s the thing. I think the ‘writer’ should be held up to the Left’s own (phony) standards because she made fun of a WOMAN which makes her a misogynist and anti-woman. Why is it that the Colbert show is anti women? Is it okay to rate a woman on her looks like that? That’s ageism and it’s against the law!!!11! Does she not know about the anti-discrimination laws?


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