Whiny Oberlin College Loses Court Battle To Move Venue For Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Whiny Oberlin College Loses Court Battle To Move Venue For Lawsuit

Oberlin college is being accused of unfairly cutting off business to a bakery and stoking boycotts and protests after the arrest of three black students shoplifting at Gibson Bakery. The students pled guilty.

The boycott continued even after police released data showing that there has been no profiling or unfair treatment toward minorities.

This was simply virtue signaling on the part of a progressive college and the entire thing has blown up in their face.

They wanted to move the venue for the lawsuit the bakery filed because they’ve read the local papers,  and claim the prevailing winds are dead set against the college. A judge said no.

More at Legal Insurrection.

ht/ shake n bake


16 Comments on Whiny Oberlin College Loses Court Battle To Move Venue For Lawsuit

  1. Oberlin, where the race baiters go to learn how to destroy peoples lives.
    This is the school where hysterical students see the KKK in a projector cover, a person walking through campus huddled in a blanket, KKK.
    It’s a damn cult there.

  2. It takes a village to indoctrinate a child and its name is Oberlin.
    That clown college shoulda been fined years ago for taking tuition money and churning out people who haven’t got a shot at working in the real world. They wouldn’t be caught dead working hard in a bakery with that elite degree that daddy paid a quarter of a million dollars for! Oberlin is a little West of me and I’ve seen some of the ditzs that went there! They are not tuned into this planet!

  3. If they truly want to see equality {they don’t} all of these leftists would quit treating blacks separately than all others. Equal treatment requires equal responsibility and adherence to the social contract.

  4. If you read through all the links you will discover that the college also wanted to purchase property that the bakery own. The bakery rejected the idea and the college started using bully tactics to try and acquire the property. Maybe they should have offered them Obie dollars. Yes, that is a thing. The local stores accept them.

    If you are ever in the area, please stop by the bakery and treat yourself to some sweets. Do a little people watching, and then head north about 5 miles to Amherst and check out the Veteran Mural a local artist painted here. I promise you, you will be amazed. It will help clean the icky off of you and renew your faith in humanity.

  5. Born and raised very close to Oberlin. Son and family live in Amherst. I agree with ShakeNBake— the mural is outstanding!! We stayed away from Oberlin when we were growing up. Too many loons, and it’s never gotten any better. The last time i went home I made a point to visit the bakery and purchase something just to support them.

  6. Since the college started bullying Gibson’s we’ve made a once a month trip there to buy donuts and ice cream (butter pecan!). We’re in the county west of there. In the -80’s I worked with a student group at Obie Land and despised it and them. About the only thing I like beside Gibson’s was a locally owned dress shop and the old Carnegie Library. Of course the college purchased it and tore it down. Eff the college and the slime that inhabit it.

    Of course the college wanted this transferred to Cuyahoga//Crooked County home of Liberalosis. If it’s finally stopped snowing here we need another trip to Gibson’s and maybe Jamie’s Flea market if it’s still in Amherst..


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