‘100% Stunt’: CNN Analyst Mocks DNC Lawsuit – IOTW Report

‘100% Stunt’: CNN Analyst Mocks DNC Lawsuit

h/t Groucho Marxist.

CNN’s Chief Political Analyst calls the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) recent Russia lawsuit a “100% stunt” to raise money.
via GOP War Room

7 Comments on ‘100% Stunt’: CNN Analyst Mocks DNC Lawsuit

  1. It’s a stunt alright, one that will turn around and bite them in the ass! Instead of cowering in the Oval Office we now have a President that wakes up ready to kick someone’s ass! Trump is Great! MAGA! KAG!

  2. They need money, because except for the Hollywood clan, the DNC’s voter base are the citizenry that have their hands out trying to GET something for nothing, not GIVE something for nothing.

  3. A desperate attempt to regain control of the news cycle. I saw DNC chair Perez big talking it this morning, the dems are going to rue the day the hitched their wagon to him.

  4. The defendants is this phony lawsuit should name Robert Mueller, James Comey and Andrew McCabe in a cross-claim to make things really interesting and costly for these lying, cheating, traitorous bastards.

  5. Dr. Tar,

    Wow. I saw that Perez piece too.
    All liberal party patriotism claptrap.
    And you know what it instantly reminded me of…

    The U.S. Flag falling on the floor behind his head while being interviewed on CNN. (might have been msnbc)haha. Was in early 2017.
    I wonder if that clip made it on youtube?
    No worries, I have it in 1080p.


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