Obama Pressured For Hillary’s Exoneration Simply To Keep Her Stink off of Him – IOTW Report

Obama Pressured For Hillary’s Exoneration Simply To Keep Her Stink off of Him

It’s always about himself. You think he pressured the DOJ and FBI to clear Hillary because he liked her???



19 Comments on Obama Pressured For Hillary’s Exoneration Simply To Keep Her Stink off of Him

  1. Together they funneled $Billions (if not a $Trillion) of taxpayer dollars into the coffers of their cronies and fellow travellers. The Unions, the “Wind Farmers,” foreign agents, rat-people, the Media, Academia, the “Green” energy scammers, the Russians, Iran, China, and most of all the omni-present domestic hate-America institutions.

    All that TARP money, all that “infra-structure” rebuilding money, &c., – absolutely breath-taking.

    They didn’t have to be “friends” in the common sense of the word. They are co-conspirators and should be co-defendants.
    A scale of criminality beyond the conception of most – hasn’t been prevalent since the Thug-o-cracies of the thirties.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. No, he wanted her off the hook because she knows where the bodies are buried. She will not go down alone. She not the “take one for the team” type. When (not if) she goes down she will take the rest with her.

  3. Yes Billions were funneled and crime after crime were committed. But Sessions just can’t seem to find anything to prosecute or even openly investigate. For months I agreed with the idea that legal filings against Clinton and the Deep State would be timed for the ’18 mid-term elections. Plenty of time to investigate and build cases before going public. But it’s almost May, mid-terms are seven months away, and not a peep out of Sessions. Nor, disappointingly, has one State filed a charity fraud case against any of the many arms of the Clinton Foundation.

    The public does not pay attention to politics and but they do notice the day after day after day, “Russian Collusion” headlines. It’s getting past time to make those headlines about Clinton, Obama, and Democratic corruption.

  4. Osmidgen was worried that the Clinton’s scum was going to blow back on the stirling reputation of the most corrupt administration in our country’s history! That’s rich. If there was anything even remotely resembling an independent press in this country, Obumbler would never have gotten elected Senator from Illinois. Just imagine what would have happened to what is left of this Republic, if the most qualified person to ever run for anything had gotten elected. If this scandal doesn’t go right into Ocorpseman’s Offal Office, it will only be because Susan Rice wrote that CYBA memorandum to throw Jefferson Beauregard Sessions off the trail of corruption. We can only hope that the Great Unraveling overwhelms all these lying, cheating, traitorous bastards.

  5. Hillary will die of old age before she sees the inside of a courtroom. The investigations will take years and even if an indictment is issued the motions, filings, and legal maneuvering will take decades.

    With her mindset, she could make an argument that her not being president is punishment enough for any possible crimes she’s accused of.

  6. They are both going down. Have faith. Trump isn’t going to forgive after all the crap they threw at him and his family. It isn’t in his DNA.

    If BHO doesn’t get convicted and imprisoned, it will only be because Trump, like Ford, wants tp protect the reputation of the office of the Presidency.

  7. @AfricaBob….

    I went and looked into #qanon….Thanks for the tip….

    I still believe that the Clintoons have the “goods” on 0bama (i.e. forged birth certificate)….and that’s how they leveraged him then and now….

    $hit is gonna get real…..real soon.

  8. Cherrybark,
    ” But Sessions just can’t seem to find anything to prosecute or even openly investigate.”

    That’s (probably) because he’d have to indict almost every member of both the House and Senate, along with most of the Bureaucracy. Theft and corruption aren’t peculiar to the Demonrats – they’re just better at it.

    izlamo delenda est …

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