A “Rosie” By Any Other Name – IOTW Report

A “Rosie” By Any Other Name



The Tucson Botanical Garden is anticipating the once in a decade bloom of their “corpse flower”(scientific name Amorphophallus Titanum) they call “Rosie.” Latest estimates are for a Thursday or Friday opening, with a bloom that last for a day and  will fill the garden with the stink of rotting flesh.

You can watch the plant slowly reveal itself in real time, Here 

25 Comments on A “Rosie” By Any Other Name

  1. Finally, the guys put down crime scene tape!

    I can’t stand the punters hovering over the plant like they’re shooting a National Geographic Special with their phone.

    Amatures. Get out of the effin’ way, just go buy the picture postcard in the gift shop.

  2. I have a few of these, not the same type but same family. We call them voodoo Lilly’s . The flower last a week or , smell so bad I move it across the yard. After the bloom it has a nice foliage.

  3. It’s opening right now and the crowds are starting to gather. Rosie was closed up pretty tight yet this morning, but it’s about half way open now. Check out the live feed.

  4. The Chicago Botanic Garden has one of these. Kept watching the feed and the sucker never did open. Probably for the best. Too much stink from Crook County any day.

  5. Was just watching it. There was a dbag with a name tag sticking something down in it and then when he left he kicked the damn pot and about knocked it over.
    THAT would have been funny

  6. “with a bloom that….will fill the garden with the stink of rotting flesh.”
    and most of the yard in addition to the house? Sounds like a typical morning at Rosie O’Donnell’s.

  7. These are remarkable plants, but if you’re interested in ephemeral flowers, I heartily recommend staking out a night blooming cereus, particularly a Selenicereus grandiflorus which blooms only once a year and the flowers last only one night. Their perfume is very pronounced and is all the way at the other end of the aesthetic spectrum from the stinking corpse flower.

    Here in Sarasota County we have both of these plants at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. If you’re ever in the area, pay it a visit: it is a special place, with an emphasis on epiphytic plants (plants that grow on other plants but aren’t parasitic) and they have lots of orchids, bromeliads, and quite a bit more.

  8. As I recall, this is the largest bloom on Earth. The plant is also a parasite.
    It would seem that, even in the plant kingdom, consuming that which is produced by another leads to gross excess.

  9. Uncle Al, if we get there, will you meet us there? Been Florida dreaming all winter.

    I used to love the Ringling Art Museum in Sarasota. Haven’t been there in probably 40 years. They had two night garden paintings that I really liked.

  10. I don’t know if it qualifies me to be a flower or not, but on a couple of occasions my father referred to me as a “blooming idiot”. Does that count? Do you think that if I bore fruit I could qualify for some kind of repearations? Inquiring limes want to know.



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