Scott Adams Says Kanye West’s Tweet in 7 Words Unlocked Mental Prisons – IOTW Report

Scott Adams Says Kanye West’s Tweet in 7 Words Unlocked Mental Prisons

West retweeted Adams, several times in a tweet storm.

The left is in a panic. Their slaves are running off the plantation and they don’t know what to do.


These posters have begun hitting the streets- (HT/Β Β )

Some in Hollywood “get it.”


Perhaps may apply another of his WWE analyses on Kanye’s current state of play. πŸ˜‰

I’d be delighted. In WWE terms, what has just executed is called a “swerve” (or, in some circles, a “heel turn”). In suddenly super-kicking the SJWs that thought he was their ally & forming a incredible new tag-team with , he has generated massive “heat.”

11 Comments on Scott Adams Says Kanye West’s Tweet in 7 Words Unlocked Mental Prisons

  1. It’s been over 50 years since the Republican civil rights legislation (that’s right – Republican) was hijacked by LBJ and the Democrat party. That’s two generations, and what have blacks achieved since then? On balance, less than nothing.

    Sure, blacks don’t have to use separate water fountains anymore; the people in Flint, MI could get poisoned by desegregated water. Now the ghettos aren’t just poor – they’re violent too. Michael Jordan made a lot of money, discovered capitalism and became an icon; Len Bias was offered a lot of money, discovered cocaine and became dead. Blacks are not really making great inroads towards the middle class, but the illegal immigrants are stealing minority opportunities.

    In my opinion, it is politics that is retarding black advancement. The Republicans would live to have that reliable voting block the Democrats now have, but what minorities really need is to say piss off to the uniparty and make their own way in life.

  2. RADIOATIONMAN/CB/HAM/AM/FM/SSB/VHF , Totally agree as to your definition of generation. Rat Fink qualified it with “in the hood”. A shortening of lifespan is implied.

    Feral cats don’t live as long or as healthy as household ones do, and they get pregnant as soon as they are able. πŸ™‚


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