U.K. Woman Guilty of Hate Crime for Posting Rap Lyric on Instagram – IOTW Report

U.K. Woman Guilty of Hate Crime for Posting Rap Lyric on Instagram

Dangerous: A woman has astoundingly been convicted of being “grossly offensive” over a lyric on an Instagram tribute post.

Chelsea Russell, 19, from Liverpool, U.K., posted a lyric from Snap Dogg’s “I’m Trippin’” on Instagram. The lyric contained racist language, but the post was meant to pay tribute to a boy who had died in a road crash in 2017.

The lyrics were “kill a snitch n**** and rob a rich n****”.

Though Russell argued it was not offensive, she was handed a community order as “it was a hate crime” according to prosecutors. Her sentence had originally been a fine, yet was increased. Russell’s defense argued that the ‘word’ had been used by Jay-Z “in front of thousands of people at the Glastonbury Festival” to no avail.  read more

10 Comments on U.K. Woman Guilty of Hate Crime for Posting Rap Lyric on Instagram

  1. Oh, not-so-great Britain, can you see how far you have fallen down the rabbit hole?

    I always thought the inbreeding of the royal family would be Britain’s Waterloo. The unchecked immigration, SJW and thought police have taken the lead in the destruction of a once great nation.

  2. There’s two kinds of people running the UK:

    1. Sadistic lesbians who like to dress up in nazi leathers and hit submissive people with riding crops.

    2. Closeted sadomasochistic faggot men who like to dress in lingerie and get hit with riding crops.

    Both those groups get orgasms by screwing over normal people and aiding and abetting the ragheads to take over the place.

  3. Well this is not surprising. No matter what the claim is, England never really got past its feudal roots. The leaders are still the aristocracy and the peasants are still serfs. They prove it almost every day.

  4. I give it 15 years, tops, before England has massive civil unrest in which the EU will step in and aide the communist government in finally crushing any old line patriots, AND it will officially designate some form of sharia-governed area, a virtually sovereign state within England’s borders. Perhaps both. But it cannot survive this madness; something’s going to give.


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