Did David Hogg and Cameron Kasky Just Come Out? – IOTW Report

Did David Hogg and Cameron Kasky Just Come Out?

Kasky tweeted this –

The comments from his supporters have assumed that he has just come out. There is no confirmation or denial.

If this is a stunt it is in questionable taste. They are leading lots of people to assume he’s gay and then what, he’s going to pull the rug out from beneath everyone?

Who did he troll? This is childish and unnecessary.

ht/ Michelle’s Big Beaver

58 Comments on Did David Hogg and Cameron Kasky Just Come Out?

  1. Either way, this is hilarious. No way he can say yes or no without backlash from his ‘people’.

    BTW… If he’s gay, why didn’t he say something during his brave rallies and his brave CNN interviews while he was dropping those brave F bombs? Why did his BFF ‘out’ him like that?

  2. Perfect, demonstrates exactly how the leftists view everything so exaggerated, they view the world as if everyone is a caricature of some identity group. Be careful David, the LBGTxxxxx community doesn’t like to be used or made fools of.

  3. I see these two and I’m reminded of Leopold and Loeb. One’s controlling and manipulative, convinced he’s so much smarter than everyone else. The other is a starry eyed lost puppy willing to be submissive to be important to somebody.

  4. Guess that explains the wire from his hand to around his back – it’s the controller to his vibrating butt plug! Of course, in his case, the plug should be in his mouth!

  5. “Who did he troll? This is childish and unnecessary.”

    So is the hand fist in the air. When I first saw Hogg’s pic I figured he was a peter puffer. Not surprised. Why should it be childish, I thought liberals were all for gays. Had me fooled!

  6. ……in what kind of world is david hogg the “bitch dyke”……the dominant?……..

    cameron must be some real marshmallow, to submit to that as his “master”……..

    …looks like a match made in heaven…….

    …..no wonder there is a worldwide shortage of excorcists!!!!!

  7. ….we laugh…….but the antichrist won’t have a big neon sign floating over his head, with an arrow pointing at him…..this little piece of shit has already been sainted by the media, and it knows it’s well on it’s way to power and fury…….

  8. This certainly explains his fist fascination.

    From Hoggboi to Goatse in 0.5 semesters. He’s so cereal. The only thing that brings a smile to his face is sitting on his boyfriend’s.

    None dare call him Teabagger.


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