Jim Acosta thinks that a journalist getting hurt will be a sign that we’ve devolved into something other than America, the PRAVDA-style bias of journalists signals nothing – IOTW Report

Jim Acosta thinks that a journalist getting hurt will be a sign that we’ve devolved into something other than America, the PRAVDA-style bias of journalists signals nothing

Jim Acosta warns that if a journalist gets hurt, Trump will have to take a long hard look in the mirror and question whether he is responsible for it.

Well, we know Jim Acosta has lots of mirrors in his life, but I doubt he’s utilizing any one of them for the critical analysis of his role in working with the left in order to undermine a sitting president with coordinated daily attacks, the likes of which no sitting president in my lifetime has ever had to endure.

A maniac has already shot at republican lawmakers as they played baseball. No left-wing journalist, that I can recall, has asked their colleagues to step back and assess whether they are creating an atmosphere where violence is the answer to losses at the ballot box.

A senator was tackled in his yard, ribs broken, and there were no brakes tapped by journalists.

Fox is universally called FAUX News, with no defense offered by anyone of the Acosta ilk. Fox was barred by Obama from the press pool. A teacher just admonished a student for using Fox as a source for a homework assignment. Where are Fox’s colleagues writing that this is an attack on the 4th estate?

Conservative speakers are shouted down and kept from speaking on college campuses. Antifa is encouraged by journalists as they riot and destroy property in response to lawful displays of 1st amendment rights by American citizens. The climate fostered by leftist journalists is that this is all righteous considering who Antifa is warring- the journalist’s enemies. America’s enemies. There is no correction when everyone to the right of Joe Leiberman is categorized as a neo-Nazi, including right-wing media outlets.

The forensic examination of why Hillary lost concludes that it was most likely Russian meddling, with our evil president colluding with them. They never use that mirror to consider that calling non-coastal elites deplorable could have been the reason.

Journalists like Acosta are responsible for Kathy Griffin, a person that was shocked that there was conservative pushback after she stupidly held up the severed bloodied head of a sitting president. The disorientation for her was that conservatives had any power whatsoever to affect a consequence for her actions, that is how powerful she thinks the left’s stranglehold on the narrative is.

But Acosta wants others to look in the mirror.

Acosta thinks if a leftist journalist gets socked in the face the country will have spiraled into irreparable chaos.

The horrible reality, the one Acosta doesn’t acknowledge, is that the beacon his ilk are sending out is that whoever takes out Trump, the world will have been saved, and they will be a hero.

Will he have an ounce of remorse or self-reflection?


HT/ Really enraged



26 Comments on Jim Acosta thinks that a journalist getting hurt will be a sign that we’ve devolved into something other than America, the PRAVDA-style bias of journalists signals nothing

  1. Acosta doesn’t represent the freedom of the press. Acosta represents the agenda of the bought and paid for liberal/progressive/socialist media.

    It is so ever evident that Acosta is a slow learner.
    If I were Sanders I would never call on this disrespectful, arrogant prick of a mouth piece.

  2. And if Donald trump gets hurt will Jim Acosta take a long hard look in the mirror?

    When the Challenger kept getting delayed because of weather, Dan Rather was making snarky comments on the CBS evening News about it. There was the suggestion that the launch occurred in less than ideal conditions because of the negative coverage the delays were causing. When the Challenger exploded Rather went out of his way to NOT take responsibility for his comments.

  3. So Mr. Acosta thinks that a “journalist” (his choice of title) getting hurt, now that Hillary wasn’t properly anointed — because we can ignore all the “journalists” actually killed before Hillary was scheduled to be anointed — will cause “patriots” (their choice of title) to rise up and take back the country (or at least up enough to button their pants). Because nothing previously in the communist century has caused them to do so.

    Mr Acosta doesn’t know (those he describes as) his enemy. Does he?

  4. Hey Sweet Jimmy, Greg Gianforte already body-slammed a pencil-necked Guardian reporter last year. Must not have been that big a deal if a big brain like you doesn’t remember it.

  5. Look at the names
    Jim Acosta, Dan Rather
    Add Nicolle Wallace, Elise Jordan
    And a dozen more.
    But, the numbers are dwindling.
    At least 2 dozen journolistos gone.
    Taken out by their own side.
    Circus Clowns with Cable Pronstar frowns.
    Have some more musTURD MSNBC and CNN


  6. Never wish harm to anyone , how ever this self death wish child was told by Mommy how special he is. If you fart in his general direction he will kneel,.
    Bet he loves inverted head rat face pimple penis boy Hogg. Why not, it’s CNN

  7. When you publish undocumented or fabricated crap as fact you are a muckraker not a journalist. Muckrakers do not deserve any respect and shall not receive any from me. There is too much sensationalism and not enough verification in the MSM. The media can shovel shit somewhere else, I’m not listening anymore.

  8. What Acosta said is going to happen. It will be a setup. Fake shit. We just have to be alert.
    Why dosen’t the White House just ban Acosta? Or at least send him to the back of the room with the fat colored bitch?

  9. My hatred for liberals overflows. Just yesterday I read the story of that Jarrar woman being applauded at some left-wing conference. Now today reading about Acosta.

    It’s more than Trump hate, the bastards hate America.


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