Open Mosque Day in Stillwater, Oklahoma – IOTW Report

Open Mosque Day in Stillwater, Oklahoma

New English Review- “Open Mosque Day offers many first glimpse into Islam,” by David Bitton, CNHI News Oklahoma, April 15, 2018:

People of all faiths were welcomed with warm smiles and open arms last Sunday as the Islamic Center of Stillwater participated in a statewide Open Mosque Day.

In addition to being able to show off their new facility at 616 N. Washington St., the program was set up so speakers could educate guests about Islam and the Muslim faith in a comfortable setting.

Guests also had the opportunity to sample food and drink from around the world.

At these Open Mosque events, the free food — offering a sample of exotic foods from Moroccan tajines and couscous to Pakistani curries and Indonesian rijstaffel — is not only about food, but is a central instrument for breaking down any potential resistance of visitors, putting them in the right festive mood to accept the presentation of Islam that they will be offered, grateful to their attentive hosts who, in piling high their guests’ plates with exotic offerings, know exactly what they are doing, in reducing their guests’ mental defenses against taqiyya. The modus operandi is to envelop the visitors in an atmosphere of warmth, sincerity, friendship, comfort; the food and drink “from around the world” never fails to help.

After Natarianto Indrawan sang Adhan – the Muslim call to prayer – Habeeb Idress explained to the audience that Muslims pray five times a day.

“Prayer is a private dialogue between you and Allah,” Idress said.

The audience watched as rows of standing men knelt down, bowed and touched their foreheads to the ground over and over again.

So the evening begins with non-Muslim visitors hearing the Call to Prayer which, the imam reminds his visitors, “President Obama said was one of the the sweetest sounds in the world.” These guests feel privileged, being allowed to view Muslims at prayer. In fact, there is nothing particularly special about such viewing. All over Europe you can see Muslims praying in city streets and plazas; they are indifferent to the presence of Infidels, even seeming to flaunt their power as they take control of a public space. Now, in the mosque, the visitors watch as serried ranks of men prostrate themselves, facing Mecca-wards (the imam explains: “you see, no matter where in the world Muslims may be, they will always turn toward Mecca in prayer”). For many of the visitors, this may be an impressive display of communal faith. Others may find that as the worshippers touch their foreheads to the ground in near-unison, then straighten up, and then again prostrate themselves, repeating this many times, that they are reminded not of Christian or Jewish prayers but, disturbingly, of an act of collective political fealty, something out of goose-stepping Pyongyang, or reminiscent of a Nuremberg rally, where arms are raised simultaneously in salute. read more

18 Comments on Open Mosque Day in Stillwater, Oklahoma

  1. OK, I’ll play: I walk in there with two buttons undone on my shirt so that my gold crucifix would be visible on my hairy chest (as it has been for my 60 yrs since my Baptism).

    $500 cash says, I am told to remove or hide that Cross. Or I am forced to leave their little playhouse.

    You could wear a fez or a diaper on your head, don a satanic t-shirt, a star of David, or that little leather pillow muslims wear around their neck AND NO CHRISTIAN CHURCH WOULD ASK YOU TO LEAVE. Not from a French cathedral nor a Baptist church in Alabama. SO WHO ARE THE TOLERANT?

    So go to Open Mosque Day to see for yourself but don’t sell your soul or buy the bullshit. Islam’s track record spans Centuries and it’s black and white. Judge the quality of life of its practitioners, and contrast that with Western Civilization.
    And BTW, it’s easy to cook exotic cuisines. Buy varied spices and find the recipes online–plus you won’t be risking your health to 3rd world barbaric hygiene.

  2. Great plan, present yourself as a reasonable mainstream religion that isn’t much different than the religions America was founded on giving them time to safely and quietly grow in number until they start to dominate and then they’ll demand Sharia Law, when it is too late. And our leftist buddies are rolling out the red carpet and beating down anyone that raises the alarm.

  3. “Smiles and open arms”.
    Satan will do anything to get his hooks in you, islam’s false prophet is a murdering pedophile who is hell bent to subjugate the world (one death at a time, if need be).
    Don’t fall for the deceit and deception.


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