Scott Pruitt’s Email Account Is Nothing Like Obama-Era Predecessor’s — She Created A False Identity – IOTW Report

Scott Pruitt’s Email Account Is Nothing Like Obama-Era Predecessor’s — She Created A False Identity

Daily Caller-

(…) However, Pruitt’s use of non-public emails is already being compared to former Obama EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s creating a fake identity for her non-public email, in what was seen as an attempt to circumvent transparency laws.

Pruitt’s emails “evokes memories” of Jackson’s alias email account, Bloomberg News suggested. Democrats’ letter over Pruitt’s emails “echoes a controversy in 2012,” The New York Times previously reported, referring to Jackson’s alias email.

While it’s right to be concerned about government officials’ email practices, Pruitt’s four emails to Jackson’s alias account are completely different situations.

In 2012, Jackson was using an email under the pseudonym “Richard Windsor,” The Daily Caller News Foundation revealed. Jackson’s fake identity was discovered by Competitive Enterprise senior fellow Chris Horner while researching his book, “The Liberal War On Transparency.”

Pruitt’s emails, on the other hand, are variants of his name or his home state, Oklahoma. Pruitt did not create a false identity to conduct agency business, while Jackson did. The entire article is here

4 Comments on Scott Pruitt’s Email Account Is Nothing Like Obama-Era Predecessor’s — She Created A False Identity

  1. I don’t want to hear a GD thing about Scott Pruitt until LIsa Jackson is held to account for her illegal use of a private account for federal business. She should have been in hot water for that, but of course she’s a democrat so nothing happened to her what else is new


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