Pompeo Confirmed as Secretary of State – IOTW Report

Pompeo Confirmed as Secretary of State

Senate approves.

Here’s the leftist view—>

USA Today-

The Senate on Thursday approved CIA Director Mike Pompeo as President Trump’s next secretary of State.

Before the vote, which stood at 56-42 at press time, senators called Pompeo alternately undiplomatic and “uniquely qualified” as the nation’s top diplomat.

Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., cited past statements Pompeo had made calling for military strikes on Iran as a solution to its disputed nuclear program, calling out American Muslim leaders as tacit supporters of terrorism, and calling for U.S. withdrawal from international agreements on Iran’s nuclear deal and climate change.

“It’s incumbent on our next secretary of State to work with our allies in Europe, with all of our allies,” Cardin said. Pompeo “suggests we should pull out of the agreement if we can’t change it, even though Iran is in compliance with that agreement. That’s not diplomacy.”

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Monday voted along party lines to recommend Pompeo for secretary of State. All the Democrats on the committee opposed Pompeo’s nomination, primarily because of his hawkish views.



10 Comments on Pompeo Confirmed as Secretary of State

  1. “Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., cited past statements Pompeo had made calling for military strikes on Iran as a solution to its disputed nuclear program, calling out American Muslim leaders as tacit supporters of terrorism, and calling for U.S. withdrawal from international agreements on Iran’s nuclear deal and climate change.”
    Wow, a Democrat who gets it.
    Oh, wait…

  2. Irans only compliant in the fact that they took the hundred and fifty billion dollars that was delivered secretly in the dead of night. Otherwise their retoric and everything else remains the same. Munch a ball sack Cardin!

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