Kagan Wonders if a Travel Ban on Israelis Would be Legal if the President Was an Antisemite – IOTW Report

Kagan Wonders if a Travel Ban on Israelis Would be Legal if the President Was an Antisemite

Noel Francisco is a savvy lawyer.

I’ve adopted his debate technique and utilized it many times and it is very effective. It seems counter-intuitive and I get pushback all the time by people who do not like the technique. It calls for conceding a portion of the enemy’s argument in order to lacerate the heart of their argument.

It’s like sacrificing a piece in chess with your eye on checkmate.

Kagan to Francisco-

What if “a vehement antisemite (who) says all kinds of denigrating comments about Jews” during his campaign is elected president and then issues a travel ban on Israelis?

The natural reaction here would to focus on Kagan’s transparent accusation that Trump is an “Islamophobe” and get sidetracked and argue that point, getting nowhere.

Francisco does not go for the bait, stipulates that there could be a hypothetical Islamophobe or antisemite in the oval office and then goes in for the kill.

“If his Cabinet were to actually come to him and say, ‘Mr. President, there is honestly a national security risk here and you have to act,’ I think then that the president would be allowed to follow that advice even if in his private heart of hearts he also harbored animus.”

Kagan’s effort to cast Trump as a bigot was rendered moot by simply stipulating, in a roundabout way, that Trump could be an Islamophobe, but it doesn’t matter, legally.

I realize people do not like arguing this way, but it wins debates.

Story at JPOST



29 Comments on Kagan Wonders if a Travel Ban on Israelis Would be Legal if the President Was an Antisemite

  1. Everyone not living in a cave knows that the kenyan was illegally installed in the White House. Sheriff Joe has all the documentation. Therefore, this bint and the wise latina are illegally sitting on the SC. Why doesn’t PDT just impeach them and dispense with their assinine and abundant stupidity?

  2. Well, if they had a tendency to scream “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one!” and then blow themselves up in a crowded pizza parlors, airplanes, disco dance halls, packed restaurants, at the finish line of a major foot race or were inclined to hijack planes and fly them into buildings or driver their vehicles on sidewalks with the intent to crush people to death or just walk into a crowed place and start shooting everyone they can then that topic would be up for debate. Try to keep it keeping it to French Silk pies to French Silk pies instead of just eating all the pies Village Inn has to offer.

    Speaking of pies; best to keep your pie hole shut. Your not only embarrassing yourself but the false messiah that anointed you.

  3. Madam justice, the president you worked for and who appointed you to the Supreme Court was clearly an antisemite. Was he, in your mind, a bad president whose executive actions should have been overturned by this court?

  4. Given the number of murders South of the border, we’ll need a temporary moratorium on travel for Latin America in order to address our nation’s security concerns as soon as we get this settled about nations with high rates of terrorism sorted out.

  5. Off Topic..But good timing

    Working on a House that is in (under) the Landing Pattern for

    Boca Chica NAS….

    Israeli KFIR came zooming in and did a Touch and Go at about

    200 Knots…The Owner of the house flew F-18s in the Navy

    He was astonished at the speed it came in on..

    I said “They’re used to flying over palestine…You don’t slow


    Got My Camera out of the Truck…But He never came back around.

  6. Is the ban currently in place, per Executive Order? I know the lib judges have put holds on parts. Trump’s original intent was to stop allowing visitors from those countries until proper vetting could be implemented, I would think that after 15 months the vetting process should be getting up to speed if not there already.


    Would your anti-hetro views get in the way of an objective verdict?

  8. A woman who’s rise to Judicial glory was as a law professor but never a judge. The frikken Bill Nye of the judiciary. Now shut the hell up, take notes, listen and learn you glorified wannabe.

  9. Good. Gawd. This pathetic, unaccomplished person is unqualified to work as a volunteer in Parking Court. Is she the only one who hasn’t figure that out? Best thing for her to do is STFU. Gawd, is she ever embarrassing. What a disgrace.

  10. She’s a deep thinker.
    It’s the old Colombo routine, play dumb then as you are walking out the door and they know they’ve won you hit them with the 90# question between the eyes. Also works in sales.

  11. Kagan is a Jew who is more concerned about Israel than she is about America. Why is she here when she would be much more at home in the Knesset? Why did she even get the Judge position that she was not qualified for? Did Netanyahu push some Congressional control buttons? Favoring Israel seems to be the priority of American politicians, of whom many are dual citizens of Israel. Why never America first?


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