Eco-nuts: Environmentalism can’t progress until people try to reproduce with trees – IOTW Report

Eco-nuts: Environmentalism can’t progress until people try to reproduce with trees


American Thinker: Just when you thought the radical environmental movement could not possibly get any stranger, another absurdity comes along.  A few years ago, Professor Elizabeth Stephens at U.C. Santa Cruz published something she called the Ecosex Manifesto.  She encouraged her art students to have sex with the Earth.  This involved tree hugging and licking, writhing in the mud,  and many other bizarre behaviors.

Now Professor Sarah Ensor at the University of Michigan is fully embracing this and has proposed that people start erotic relations with plants.  She believes that environmentalism cannot fully develop without these “relationships.”

These people seem to have a fondness for trees.  I suggest they focus on conifers, also known as Gymnosperms,  for their naked seeds.  I wonder if they hope their ideas will take root and germinate into another new branch of academia.  I suspect, however, they will remain little more than a splinter group.  more here

h/t Really Enraged.

38 Comments on Eco-nuts: Environmentalism can’t progress until people try to reproduce with trees

  1. Y’all notice how most of this drivel comes out of California?
    I’ll tell you what. She can stand naked near a “sexy” tree and I’ll pimp it for her with a chain saw.

  2. These sapsuckers are trying to go waaaaay back in time. It was plants, specifically cycads, that were the first Terrestrial organisms to reproduce sexually. But that was roughly 300,000,000 years ago, and they got it on plant/plant, not plant/primate.

    Thank you, cycads.

  3. Let me guess, this professor doesn’t shave her pits, hasn’t showered in years, smells like a garbage truck, and looks like a dumpster.

    Plants can’t say no. She’s raping the poor things.

  4. Just realized my previous post found me barking up the wrong tree attempting to be humorous. I went out on a limb trying to be funny. I feel like a sap. Now leaf me alone!

  5. oh that’s just great. Now I have to worry about a tribe of dirtbags having their orgy with the windscreen I planted last fall !

    I should’ve planted only Hawthorns and honey locusts.

  6. The Stephens character is a screwball married to Annie Sprinkle the porn actress (well, maybe ex porn actress because I suspect all her “assets” have sagged as it were.

  7. I couldn’t help myself. I copied the name and university and “searched” it. Yep, yep, yep…

    Short haired dyke with a few tats. Sadly, if she wasn’t mentally ill she might actually pass as almost a normal human being.

    How, I say how do “Wing Nuts” like this get into the system and get the big salaries??? Obviously not as bad as the bitch at Fresno State, but my god the “university system” has completely gone off the rails.

  8. I think professor Sarah Ensor is really going out on a limb with this idea. I think its time for her to take a leave of absence and try and get back to her roots.

  9. What she teaches:

    Ecocriticism; Gender and Sexuality; American; Nineteenth Century America; Twentieth Century American

    Recent papers published:

    Relative strangers: Contracting kinship in the queer ecology classroom

    Terminal regions: Queer ecocriticism at the end

    Spinster ecology: Rachel Carson, Sarah Orne Jewett, and nonreproductive futurity

    I can’t believe she’s even human for writing shit like that.


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