Ken Bone’s Son Suspended From School For Going to a Gun Range – IOTW Report

Ken Bone’s Son Suspended From School For Going to a Gun Range

Remember Ken Bone, the guy with the red sweater that asked a question during the 2016 presidential debate?

His son was suspended from school after a picture of him with his father at the gun range was posted on social media.

23 Comments on Ken Bone’s Son Suspended From School For Going to a Gun Range

  1. again the tax payers will pick up the tab for a school officials politics once the lawsuits are settled.

    school children punished for independent thought.

    home schooling is the only answer.

  2. As Bill mentions, again the tax payers will pick up the tab for the politics of school officials. Unless the penalty in these law suits also include terminations, the perps get away scot-free. As in the Duke “rape” case, 88 so called “perfessers” acted as judge, jury and executioner for the four students by signing a vile accusatory document. In the end they were dead wrong, cost the college close to one hundred million dollars in damages, yet not one “perfesser” lost their job over it! Try that in the private sector and see what happens! These teachers need to pay a big penalty of their “Don’t you know who I am” Liberal arrogance that allows them to pull stuff like this in the first place! They need to learn that they can’t bulldoze law-abiding, responsible citizens with their Left Wing agenda with a career-ending firing. Meanwhile, let’s address some of the real problems caused by the Left abetting, enabling and mainstreaming mental illness!

  3. The schoolboards nationally have been intimidating children for some years now. This is an effort to terrify students with anything to do with guns. I don’t understand why parents are speaking up more forcefully about it. The schools have no business doing this and should be brought to heel.
    This has gotten out of control and is why we’re losing support.

  4. Yes, the taxpayers will pay the bill, but he should also sue the teachers union. They have tons of literature and documents that prove the union is responsible and promotes this activity by its members. Bankrupt the teachers union… make the pay too. Then they will think twice about how they abuse innocent children.

  5. And the school taking this action towards a student exercising his constitutional right off school grounds and not on school time proves the importance of the first and second amendment. In reality they are finally doing some actual teaching to those that wish to see. To bad there are to many foolish people wearing blinders.

  6. Penalized for a Father & Son picture exercising a legal activity and constitutional right.

    Socialist/progressive leadership and teachers in our schools are a disease attacking freedom, liberty and the future of our Nation.

  7. @organgrinder, you aren’t kidding.
    When my boys were in 8th grade, in 2002, their friend got a camcorder for Christmas. They made videos that kind of make fun of James Bond. I helped them make fake blood. One of my boys brought a copy of the dvd to school to give one of the other boys in it. The school confiscated it and then the principal confronted me in the very public office. He was about 6 inches shorter than me. (The kids called him Napolean) I looked down at him and told him if he wanted to get into it there, so be it. I reamed him about private property, the school interfering in my home and the Constitution. He left them alone after that.

  8. It’s probably a damn good thing none of these thug screwl administrators can retroactively enforce restrictions on any of us old guys who had guns when we were in HS back in the late 60′ and early 70’s. Just about everyone I knew had a gun they used for hunting after school in the fall, except for one neighbor friend whose dad was dead set against guns, he was also a jerk and one of the least liked fathers in a neighborhood full of a lot of boys.

  9. Seems more like Red Sweater Guy wants to get back into the media spotlight, coincidentally like the kid in Florida.
    Plus it’s sourced to self-serving media weasel Ben Shapiro website.
    I don’t know, maybe I am getting too cynical…

  10. Undecided voter Ken Bone says he is ‘very unhappy’ with Trump

    Oct 16th 2017 8:24AM

    Ken Bone, the undecided voter who became famous after asking a question in his red sweater during the second presidential debate, has expressed his displeasure with President Trump.

    “Overall, I’m very unhappy with what I see,” he recently told CNN.…rump/23244568/


    So, I guess he shouldn’t complain about anything. He sided with the liberals so his kid got what liberals do. No sympathy coming from me.

  11. Unless it’s the angle of the photo, where is Bone’s hearing protection? And those slit-like glasses on both of them don’t qualify as eye protection either.

  12. Not new. More than 50 years ago as a 3rd grader I went to the office to see if my coat had been turned in to lost and found. Before I could say anything the principle said “I didn’t send for you, get out.” I wish I had just 5 minutes with him now!


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