Vandals trash Civil War cemetery: Topple graves, Confederate flag ‘ripped off hinges’, American flags ‘shredded’ – IOTW Report

Vandals trash Civil War cemetery: Topple graves, Confederate flag ‘ripped off hinges’, American flags ‘shredded’

Eslinger said he can’t “understand anybody wanting to come in here and do this. It takes a very low moral person to do that.”

AM: Police are looking for vandals who trashed a Civil War cemetery in Georgia this week, ripping down the Confederate flag and toppling gravestones as they racked up thousands of dollars in damages.

“They messed up the Confederate flagpole,” said Ronald Eslinger, who oversees Nathan Anderson Cemetery in Ringgold for the Sons of Confederate Veterans. “Somebody come up there and tore the latch off the pole and stole the flag. They broke monuments, turned over some stuff, and stole stick flags from graves. Around the flagpole is where they did all the damage.” see here

22 Comments on Vandals trash Civil War cemetery: Topple graves, Confederate flag ‘ripped off hinges’, American flags ‘shredded’

  1. I suggest going to a College Campus, look for something studying Gender Studies, who has nose rings, pink hair and tattoos and about 400 pounds overweight with no hope of ever having any fun with a member of the opposite sex (by birth to clarify)

  2. Put up some hunting cameras after the damage is repaired and start a cemetery patrol. When they come back beat them until they are crippled for life then explain to the cops you thought they were zombies it being a cemetery and all.

  3. Do leftists have their own cemeteries, full of atheists and such that we could desecrate? Probably not, but we wouldn’t desecrate cemeteries like they do, maybe piss on some graves. Why is the left allowed to get away with this when any little criticism of their tactics by our side always claims we’re the bad guys. A vandal is a vandal is a vandal and should be dealt with as such. Maybe it’s time to bring back stocks in the public square and humiliate and ostracize these punks by throwing rotten eggs and rotting vegetables at them in order to shame them.

  4. These marxist parasites have been discovered by the host, Trump and his base are the dewormer this country needs to fend off this attack, it’s a very bad infestation and will take a while but hang in there and fight!

  5. Man, there are some sick fucking people out there who better hope none of us catch them doing this ignorant shit!
    I’m 6’1″, 212lbs, former Army Airborne 8 years, boxer and martial arts for almost 20 yrs, and heavily tatted biker and I will pound the fucking mud out of anyone I see desecrating any grave anywhere, the dead earned the right to rest, leave them the fuck alone!

  6. The Communist Antifa organization has been given legitimacy by government powers controlling America. Over decades sinister communist thinkers have slithered themselves into positions of influence and authority. These are domestic enemies who are sabotaging the country. If they are not contained and held accountable for being subversives, then they will continue their goal of destructing our already failing Constitutional government. FDR understood the sinister nature of internal enemies, but actually willing worked together with Communist, genocidal Russian maniac Joseph Stalin. Also included Communists into his own administration. Communism is like an insidious infection that spreads if not stopped. The trouble with identifying internal enemies is that the Communists running the government want to eliminate Constitutional patriots as the internal enemy of the State. Vandalism is somewhat like a kristallnacht, meant to attack symbols of historical patriotism. The ultimate intent being to destroy America into a tyrannical, third world slave state.

  7. I always wanted to find an old drunk and pay him to drop a sloppy deuce on Ted Kennedy’s grave marker on a weekly basis. Sort of a solute to what he did to this country.

  8. Tony R APRIL 27, 2018 AT 2:56 PM
    Cops should check social media. Low IQ types who do this shit love to brag about it on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    Surprisingly you are 100% correct. Had some stupid punk slash four tires at a neighbor’s and then brag about it on “unsocial” media…

    Still can’t comprehend the stupidity and depth of mental illness involved in something like this. As mentioned above if caught by some of us here, they’d have their body parts rearranged.

  9. If some rogue sniper were to cap one of these assholes while in the act and leave their bodies in a heap by the headstones they topple I would just think that was the greatest thing since cold beer!


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