“Comedian” Trending on Twitter After Mean Spirited Roast at Correspondence Dinner – IOTW Report

“Comedian” Trending on Twitter After Mean Spirited Roast at Correspondence Dinner

Michelle Wolf is her name and it was horrific. If she had funny jokes at the expense of the right, so be it. I can admit when something is witty or clever. This was just a series of unwitty, unclever attacks.

She’s also difficult to watch and listen to.

That voice. If I was told I was terminally ill I would ask Make a Wish to have her perform for me…that way I wouldn’t really miss earth all that much.

And that mouth.

I’m not asking you to watch her entire routine, but please click on the video below to hear her abortion “joke” so you can be assured when I tell you that loathing this ahole for life is not unwarranted.

41 Comments on “Comedian” Trending on Twitter After Mean Spirited Roast at Correspondence Dinner

  1. Been watching the reaction on twitter. which I was just banned from for 12 hours. Laugh it up pals. I’ll be back. Hey, I guess I might have threatened a movie star, or producer. how the hell am I suppose to know. Back to the story of the Comedian nobody ever heard of. Common consensus was she just made shit MUCH tougher on the press for white House Briefings. She kinda of looks like Costas sister.

  2. “Comedian”? You gotta be fucken kidding me.
    Is she related to Kermit Gosnell?
    The Trump Rally got much more coverage than their fucking dinner. Ho, Ho, Ho. MAGA!

  3. To understand her as a comedian, a prerequisite is Trevor Noah and Seth Meyers, her idols. Toss all three of them in a fire with Sara Silverman and Amy Schumer and Steven Colbert and Bill Mahr and..

  4. The main stream media saved her life. Think about if you had to go through life with a voice and looks like her without a crowd of brain dead cattle staring at you. It would be a miserable, depressing, and suicide laced short life.

  5. She’s disgusting, but what does that say of those few laughers? The depravity of the leftist lemmings has reached the edge of the cliff.

    The GOP is doomed unless they start fighting for law and order and judicial equality. America is tired of their upside-down government aristocracy. Stop talking and start arresting.

  6. I watched her whole schtick and I honestly didn’t laugh, or even crack a smile, even once throughout the entire, miserable thing. Nothing she said was actually humorous and I’ve seen cadavers with a better delivery. She’s a pathetic creature any way you cut it.

    The youtube comments had several people heaping praise on her for how “she just killed it” and how funny her routine was. Based on her abortion “joke”, apparently the only thing she ever actually killed was an unborn baby if the one listening to her drivel is sane. This garbage is evidence that our world is getting sicker by the minute.

  7. Was that Pelosi making a beeline to Rob Reiner right afterwards? What a shitshow that was. Media are going to have a hard time polishing that Turd. They will try, but it ain’t selling any more.

  8. Aside from the nails on the chalkboard voice, the inconsistent delivery, the premature birth timing, her choice of killing the unborn as a subject for dinner conversation, her One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest Bbbbilly Bibbbbit hair style, she seemed nice.
    Was that a laugh track, it wasn’t funny, none of it was funny.
    She thinks she is edgy, anybody with a mind thinks she is a sad clown, I hate clowns.
    She should practice in front of a mirror, if she can find one that won’t break.

  9. Wearing their tuxedos and formal gowns, the WHCA told themselves they are professional and serious, then allowed a performer to expose just how phony and hateful they are. They should have grabbed her away from the podium and issued an apology to the American public that had to be offended by the crass, crude, and profane statements against women working in the WH and the POTUS.
    The FCC should investigate the airing of profanity and sexual comments by a public access network – C-span.

  10. I quit watching the WHCD after Colbert did Bush. Prior to that, I had seen every one going back to the 80s. They had always been “singe not burn” affairs.

    Colbert crossed the line and they never went back. At least for Republicans. When Obama was in office, they just sucked him off with jokes about how cool he was and saving the burns for Republicans. Now that Trump is in office, they have no filter. You can’t be offensive enough for the Leftists in the press box. If it ended with her pulling out a gun and assassinating him and others on stage they would stand up and cheer.

  11. Brian Stelter is an abject moron and even he had a problem with this bitch:

    But read the comments. She was not mean enough for his followers. Trump “separates families” by enforcing our immigration laws. #WaterIsDirtyInFlint, Puerto Rico!, blah, blah, blah!

    These people want a war or want someone else to fight a war for them against the other half of the country because The Enemy Must Be Dehumanized.

  12. What’s left if you cut out all the offensive, partisan, and not-remotely-funny material?

    That’s what’s funny– it was an empty dead space inside a black hole. It wouldn’t surprise me if that was funded by the FBI in order to distract from the exposure on their unAmerican activities.

  13. Holy smokes. Who’s the moron who BOOKED her in the first place? THAT’S who should get some serious SH*T. This woman is absolutely AWFUL and anyone thinking she has talent…oy.

  14. Last night should be the last WH Correspondents Dinner anyone from this administration attends. It makes no sense to feed correspondent jerk-wad egos by showing up for this kind of treatment. And Sanders should be given a medal for not pulling out a gun out and blowing Wolf’s head off.

  15. This creature is a tranny and wiki is scrubbing its history as fast as they can.


    Here’s the original:

    “Wolf was born Scott Thompson on February 25, 1965 in Rockledge, Florida, and grew up in nearby Cocoa, Florida. He went to Cocoa High School, home of the Tigers, where Scott played drums in the marching and concert band. At times his humor could be off-putting and he was always doing or saying anything that could get a reaction, usually at the expense of classmates who were not as popular or wealthy as he and his friends. Popularity was crucial for him and he made sure he was part of the “in” crowd. He graduated from Cocoa High School in 1983. A local swim coach began calling him “Carrot Top” when he was a young boy.[1] After high school he enrolled at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. While a freshman there, Thompson appeared in his first standup comedy routine.[2]”

  16. She has a Nancy Pelosi mouth, it’s crooked. I believe the comedian has had a stroke. BTW, she’s not a comedian, she a relative of that Fresno foul mouthed professor, they’re made from the same cloth.

  17. That woman really blew a chance to walk the middle ground and jump start a career in comedy/political satire.

    Instead, she chose the low road and nailed shut the Liberal Media’s coffin and flushed her future down the Kathy Griffin toilet.

    “Mike Pence is what happens when Anderson Cooper isn’t gay.” GMAFB


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