Reporters Slam White House Correspondents’ Dinner As ‘Embarrassment’ And ‘Gift’ To Trump Admin – IOTW Report

Reporters Slam White House Correspondents’ Dinner As ‘Embarrassment’ And ‘Gift’ To Trump Admin

Daily Caller-  Several reporters found comedian Michelle Wolf’s performance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner Saturday to be detrimental to the mission of the evening and a gift to President Donald Trump, who was not in attendance but at a political rally in Michigan.


Wolf took gratuitous shots at President Trump and White House officials that journalists at the Associated Press, Politico, Yahoo News, The New York Times, and CNN found to be cruel and off-putting. Wolf laughed at the audience following the negative response of one vulgar joke.

“Yeah, you shoulda done more research before you got me to do this,” she said.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders received many of Wolf’s lobs as did White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell called for an apology to Huckabee Sanders.  read more

38 Comments on Reporters Slam White House Correspondents’ Dinner As ‘Embarrassment’ And ‘Gift’ To Trump Admin

  1. Once again President Trump proves to be smarter than the average bear by not attending this farce and display of inappropriate crudeness. Who can honestly blame him for preferring to be with enthusiastic, real Americans instead of this awful shit show!

  2. And Lefties think we’re being “snowflakes” over this.

    Nope. I’m glad it happened.

    Because almost exactly while President Trump was telling the crowd in Michigan “They hate your guts,” the news media was in DC proving his point.

    All they have to do is not be so damn hateful, and they can’t even get that right.

    They are emboldening us. And they are firing us up.

    And for that, I want to thank that horse’s ass Michelle Wolf and every so-called “journalist” who sat there howling with laughter.

  3. They are not concerned about their behavior, pretense of objectivity, etc.

    They are concerned and afraid that they make Trump look good by their “gift”.

    “The Gift” of insulting the people from his administration stupid enough to show up.

    Keep your effing gifts and shove them up your ass.

  4. Every caricature thrust upon the national press—that we are culturally elitist, professionally incestuous, socioeconomically detached and ideologically biased—is confirmed by this trainwreck of an event.

    Yessir….and your booger eatin’ morons too!!!!!

  5. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has a backbone made from high-carbon tool steel. It’s a shame that members of Congress and some of the general pubic can’t make the same claim.

  6. What was it they were calling that shit show? A “Celebration of the First Amendment” or some such nonsense. Might as well have called it “Wellstone Memorial Redux”. Interesting that the original Wellstoning happened during the 2002 midterm elections, and the GOP gained eight seats, one of only three times the party in power gained seats during the midterm elections. Keep it up, Dems, and it’ll be four times in November.

  7. Their regret and embarrassment is showcasing how much hatred they harbor and how indecent they are as human beings. They can’t help themselves, who can blame Trump for not attending this trash.

  8. I read this long ago, but there’s a story about how in France, the guillotine would be carted through towns and the crowds would gather around to witness the beheading of the latest criminal and cheer in the party atmosphere. The criminals would barely say a word when they were put onto the chopping block. Until one day, a woman was brought to the blade and as she walked up, she cried and begged for her life. It startled the crowd and soon enough, they stopped the public beheading.

    When do the reporters get startled?

  9. Val,
    I always said that it was Obama’s attack on Trump at this same event that was the turning point for Trump to run for office.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.

  10. @Cliche Guevara April 29, 2018 at 12:29 pm

    > Keep your effing gifts and shove them up your ass.

    I know you intended that in a mean spirited, negative way. But… well… maybe you should try again.

  11. Not surprised, Michelle Wolf’s performance was a direct reflection of the media’s foul, disrespectful and false attacks upon President Trump well before he was elected and since.

  12. Michelle Wolf isn’t the problem – there will always be people like her, like the nasty kid down the street who will ‘accidentally’ sucker punch you, or the cousin who will deliver a vicious pinch and claim they were only joking. It’s the people who knew exactly what to expect from her and hired her to wield the hatchet.

  13. It is only going to get worse, much worse, as their decline intensifies. They always have been empty pathetic and totally approval driven…

    They are what they are and it’s about time that it is recognized that the empor has no close is what is going down right before our eyes.

  14. Too late, Andrea. Those *are* your peeps, hon. Live with it. Besides, I’m sure you’ve said worse at your East Side salons. Oh, you may have used better words, but we all knew what you meant.

  15. The people in the room created the environment for Trump supporters to be assaulted in the streets, for racial animosity and violence to occur, for Police Officers to be ambushed and killed, and for Congressman to be shot at on the ball field.

    They created the environment in which she felt the freedom to say what she did.

  16. Just when I thought the MSM might have reached the bottom of the mire, I’m wrong. There is no bottom apparently as they keep digging and they never stop to look honestly to see just how dark their hearts have turned. Third world press USA style, an embarrassment for just how far we haven’t come.

  17. For their insults to have any sting, we first have to respect them and their opinions. We do not!

    The Fake News Media has ZERO credibility. I automatically believe the exact opposite of what they drool on about and know that they lie, lie, lie.

  18. Michelle Wolf.
    Michael Wolff.
    Wolf Blitzer.
    Tapers and Clappers.
    See THEM.
    THEY are all the same.
    THEY just change their names, and Skins.
    THEY are real and they want You.
    THEY are in plain sight now.
    Act accordingly.
    Tell THEM you see THEM.

    “Fetch a bucket, Little Red Cap,” she said to the child. “Yesterday I cooked some sausage. Carry the water that I boiled them with to the trough.” Little Red Cap carried water until the large, large trough was clear full. The smell of sausage arose into the wolf’s nose. He sniffed and looked down, stretching his neck so long that he could no longer hold himself, and he began to slide. He slid off the roof, fell into the trough, and drowned. And Little Red Cap returned home happily, and no one harmed her.”

  19. @MJA: You may be thinking of the execution of Madame Du Barry, who shocked a crowd of onlookers by reacting in fear and terror when she went to the guillotine, instead of accepting her fate stoically as so many had before her, during the French Revolution.

    If the information in the following book excerpt can be believed, the guillotine was a sensitive instrument that didn’t lend itself well to the practice of being dragged around from place to place:

    More info on Du Barry:

  20. The left have no self control or shame. Flying into rages, defaming and insulting their enemies, is the left’s normal.
    Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kelly Anne Conway know by now what to expect from witless feminist tools like Mz. Wolf – absolute hate.

  21. Trump decided to run for president after being humiliated by Obama at this annual dinner. So can we look forward to Sarah deciding to run for president?

  22. Talev, the woman who heads up this fiasco, had to approve the routine. She and almost all of the media people criticizing the unknown comic’s routine are liars.

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