And guess what I was right, and you were wrong, and you can’t handle it can you snowflake.

You just keep on repeating that you were right in the face of overwhelming evidence that you’re wrong.
Great idea but you’re only fooling fellow dipchits, just like you were fooled by a prior dipchit repeating their falsehood.

Fox News is not registered with the FCC as entertainment, you friggin’ idiot. Fox Television Group is registered with the FCC under the parent Fox Entertainment Group, which is owned by 20th Century Fox.

That’s like saying MSNBC is registered with the FCC as a Toaster Company, because it’s a subsidiary of NBC, which is owned by GE, which makes toasters.
You’re an idiot. – BigFurHat


This came in email notifications, but the comment never appeared in the site’s comment section-

Fox News is registered as an Entertainment Organization not a news Organization. Damn you’re stupid, but then again you’re an idiot conservatard, and we all know you don’t like “REAL,” facts, after all it’s why your par ty created “ALTERNATIVE,” facts.

Everyone still awaits the supporting evidence, the REAL facts, of the declarations and proclamations made by this typical leftist.