Boy Scouts to change name, drop ‘Boy’ and accept girls in 2019 – IOTW Report

Boy Scouts to change name, drop ‘Boy’ and accept girls in 2019


After 108 years, the Boy Scouts program is set to drop the gender from its name and re-emerge as “Scouts BSA,” a more “inclusive” group that will also soon welcome girls in its ranks.

Boy Scouts of America, the parent organization of the Boy Scouts program, made the announcement Wednesday. Though the decision to toss “Boy” aside was considered controversial by some, Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh said the new name came about after an “incredibly fun” deliberation.

 “We wanted to land on something that evokes the past but also conveys the inclusive nature of the program going forward,” he said. “We’re trying to find the right way to say we’re here for both young men and young women.”

The world will suffer for this retardation of the male, fettering them to tamp their natural abilities, lest they offend others with their displays of toxic male, testosterone-driven uniqueness.
The Scouts will now exist performing at the average female tempo.
Wait, what am I saying?
They will exist performing at the lowest tempo, because this is what all of the leftist social decrees are – a race to the lowest common denominator. That’s PROGRESS.

30 Comments on Boy Scouts to change name, drop ‘Boy’ and accept girls in 2019

  1. Literally thousands of hours placed into that program. Hell hath no fury like a 14 year old girl who is not chosen to be the senior patrol leader. Everyone who has been part of the program knows this and are just hiding their heads in the sand and these decisions come from the main office in Texas not all the volunteers in local units. The only people I know locally who are in favor of it are leftists. One is actually a real life commie from East Germany!

  2. Just another example of protracted death by Toxic Pussywhippin

    Shut it down, it is more humane than the indignity that a once great organization will suffer and I just don’t want to witness that spectacle.

  3. I know, the obvious view is that Boy Scouts is feminizing. But as a life-long scouter I feel that BSA has the best youth development program there is, including GSA. I have heard from dozens of sisters who wished they could do what their brothers were doing. So in that regard I am happy to see BSA sharing the program with girls.
    But I also appreciate that separation of sexes is important for parts of youth development. I know that at least patrols are supposed to be single-sex. My troop, which has a fairly progressive leader (but a very good one) and in a very progressive town, has no plans to include girls. My church’s troop a few blocks away, which has a very progressive female scoutmaster and also a coed Venture crew, is already planning for girls.
    Also, YMCA used to be boys only. Things change. In fact I think it is now called ‘The Y’.

  4. Note also that BSA is heavily influenced by conservative voices, particularly the Mormon Church which is about 1/3 of BSA troops and a somewhat smaller fraction of total scouts (20-25%). When they implemented the rule a few years ago regarding orientation of scout leaders they left it to the sponsoring organization (usually a church or school) to determine. That meant that the Mormon-sponsored troops could refuse gay leaders. My troop is accepting of gay leaders – except that apart from troop alumni they only allow parents to become leaders, no outsiders. And we don’t actively promote gay agenda so it would be largely irrelevant – it just isn’t part of the program.

    My troop is largely separate from BSA, and has always been in the 70 years since its inception. We appreciate the program, use it, but run it our way and don’t interact with other troops much except at summer camp. We are much larger and stronger, having kids stay all the way through high school (Eagle is never awarded to anyone below 11th grade), and tend to overwhelm other troops even though our scouts are friendly and outgoing.

  5. Well a lot people never caught onto the deeper wisdom of that old cartoon showing two toddlers, one a boy the other a girl, holding open the waist of their underwear, looking in and declaring there is quite a difference in equipment. The differences run much deeper than that for those who never caught on. And some of those differences should be allowed the freedom to develop separately at the proper time.

  6. Another fine institution neuters itself in the name of political correctness. Baden-Powell is spinning in his grave fast enough to generate electricity.
    I worked hard for my eagle, this bullshit change makes it worthless.

  7. LCD,

    That is the same argument I have been hearing from the harpies who have invaded Catholic parishes and destroyed the culture there from within.

    Doesn’t take them long to drive off enough of the parishioners and then start pleading poverty.

  8. @Dan
    I was until the gay thing happened.
    The way the BSA lawyers laid it out the individuals in each troop leadership are supposed to be trained and are, in the end, liable for anything bad that happens.
    There is no way I was going to be held liable for what National imposed upon me. I wasn’t going to have to explain to a parent (and his lawyer) of a scout why he was forced to “share” a tent with a flaming homo who molested him.
    Not a second more of my time. Not a penny more of my money.
    P.S. – Rex Tillerson was at the helm when the gay thing happened.

  9. @Jethro – appreciate your response. I certainly am watching everything that goes on in and around the troop. I’m not seeing any issues but would speak up should anything arise. One thing I am proud of our troop for is the adult leadership that sticks around for generations, with the appreciation that there is a constant effort by new parents and by outsiders to undermine the very things that have made our troop great and a willingness to fight against them.

  10. @leftcoastdan

    Cubmaster, ASM, SM, District Recruit Chair, DE (oops, I said too much)

    I do see your points and our troop is insular too.

    What will happen is we will get a cavalcade of “why can’t Susie join” etc and then our committee will cave. I’ve worked with girls in youth mission trips, martial arts, etc and these are fine mixed – but we just want ONE THING, ONE PLACE, ONE GROUP, where we the boys do not have to posture, be shy about speaking up, learn to lead with others who mature at the same pace (12 year old girls will eat a 12 year old boy’s lunch as far as “being in charge”) and for the older boys have a place that is social but not in a dating type way. Yes, I know, they can be friends but I was 16 once too and, well, no – that’s not how it happens.

  11. BOY Scouts of America.
    See how that works?

    This is part of the atomization of American institutions. The gov’t, the lawyers, the pressure groups, the “activists,” and the media will have a field day destroying what was once a great organization.

    An organization for heterosexual males to have a venue (a right of free association?) to better become MEN is unacceptable in this destructive world-view. Thus; it must destroy itself … ITSELF! An organization, an institution, is committing suicide at the suggestion of its enemies.

    Same with the faggots; they cannot simply live their perverted lives – they insist that everyone “celebrate” their perversions – it’s not enough to turn your face from the corruption, you must embrace it.

    You must self-censor.
    You must bake cakes for faggot “weddings.”
    You must toe the FemiNazi line on ALL your behavior and deny your natural instincts – and pretend that wymyn are just as strong as men – are no different at all, in “fact.”

    If the girls, the faggots, and the soy-boys wanted their own organization – all the fuck they have to do is ORGANIZE it! That’s not their intention – their intention is to destroy maleness and manhood for the sake of politics – to construct a docile populace for easier control.

    When Cyrus wanted to destroy the men of Sardis, Croesus advised him, that instead of killing them all, to make them wear soft clothes, soft boots, and learn to play the lyre – and by this they would never rise against his rule.
    It worked.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. @Racer X May 2, 2018 at 1:37 pm
    Brilliant–“Scouts”, a division of BSA (Boy Scouts of America).

    This name change is infuriating. I hate cavers and no-spiners as much as the liberals. Come to think of it, they most likely are liberals.

    I don’t have a kid, but if I did, he or she would not be going to scout meetings.

    Why do liberals hate normality so much? Because they hate themselves for not being normal.


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